the dalebouts • home movies that rock! with tara and michel sandy • mission beach, ca

I woke up this morning to an email from Michel that our latest home movie was up. I ran over to the computer to watch, and as the opening notes started playing, my hand went up to my mouth as my jaw dropped and tears sprang out of the corners of my eyes. I have zero doubt that this family will do the same to you too.

During our session the same thing happened to me over and over. And over. I would be shooting and tears would spring to my eyes or I would get a lump in my throat as I watched how they connected and loved and played together. Their connection is INCREDIBLE.

Take a look for yourself.

Dalebout Family Film from Michel Sandy on Vimeo.

(by the way, you can watch it here, or you can click the vimeo link and see it in amazing HD)

Film: Michel Sandy
Images: Tara Whitney
Music: Everything by Micheal Buble
Gorgeous love: The Dalebouts

Scott and Shelley, THANK YOU SO MUCH!



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  1. WOW!!! I am in tears about some strangers family movie. This is STUNNING and soooo special. I want a family like that some day. WOW. Thank you so much for sharing this Tara!!

  2. Wow. Speechless. I so want something like this for my family. You know, you two could pop over here to Australia and visit Em when her bubba is born, and then come and do a shoot for us – what do you think?? lol

  3. We’re laughing and crying and watching it over and over and over. To say that it is everything we hoped for would be an understatement. This is a precious and wonderful gift and we TREASURE it already. Thank you. Thank you.

  4. The Dalebouts are some of our very closest friends and this captures them perfectly. Shelley has taken pictures of my family for several years now that have captured how much I love my kids and husband. I’m so happy for her to get the chance to have the love of her family captured with her included.

    Awesome job!

  5. you could put a video of paint drying to that song and i would love it…but to see this family with their love captured forever with ‘Everything’ as the soundtrack, well…stick a fork in me, cuz i’m done! great job, you two. great job.

  6. its 5.30am, stormy and very cold in sw of west aus, and i am crying…how i wish i was there in the sun with the two of you long before our toothy, bright, easily cheered 6 kids turned into smelly, grunting, buy a smile teenagers…simply incredible powerful imagery…the families you meet are extremely lucky… :)

  7. Tara & Michel, you’ve done it again. We’re all wrapped up and teary-eyed over a family we don’t even know, but instantly love! So happy for them that they have this priceless treasure from you!

  8. That was lovely. I am sitting here–still a bit weepy. I love that you captured their tenderness. Do you know what you and Michel are? Hmm? You and Michel are emotion evokers. — You capture the magic that defines a relationship and makes it unique. Seriously, what you do is amazing, brilliant and beautiful. How do you come up with such innovation–brilliant soul?

  9. you both captured magic here. the shot with the little girl doing backflips in the sand and then cut to your photo capturing her at the perfect moment, and then cut back to her flips… oscar worthy right there.

    i am with so many others, i was teary-eyed watching them, their family connection is really beautiful.

    i would love to something like this with my own sweet fam someday. thank you so much for sharing. xo

  10. The title of that song (Everything) reminds me of another song titled Everything by Lifehouse. Its a moving song. It would workd BEAUTIFULLY for a engagement shoot….listen and see!

  11. pretty crazy that beautiful photos and footage of strangers put together with great tunes can make someone teary. loved the video. what a treasure for that family.

  12. another fabulous video…..amazing! I love it when you post these. I sure wish Cathy Z and her family would have one done – I know it would be amazing too!!!! thank you for sharing these Tara and Michel.

  13. oh my yes you win! i am all choked up. they are an inspiration to families everywhere. and your art is thrilling to see. i wish i lived on the west coast.

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