the dalebouts • home movies that rock! with tara and michel sandy • mission beach, ca

I woke up this morning to an email from Michel that our latest home movie was up. I ran over to the computer to watch, and as the opening notes started playing, my hand went up to my mouth as my jaw dropped and tears sprang out of the corners of my eyes. I have zero doubt that this family will do the same to you too.

During our session the same thing happened to me over and over. And over. I would be shooting and tears would spring to my eyes or I would get a lump in my throat as I watched how they connected and loved and played together. Their connection is INCREDIBLE.

Take a look for yourself.

Dalebout Family Film from Michel Sandy on Vimeo.

(by the way, you can watch it here, or you can click the vimeo link and see it in amazing HD)

Film: Michel Sandy
Images: Tara Whitney
Music: Everything by Micheal Buble
Gorgeous love: The Dalebouts

Scott and Shelley, THANK YOU SO MUCH!



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  1. I’m speechless every time I watch one of the videos you and Michel great! My eyes welded up with tears watching this adorable family and their adoring love for each other! :)

  2. you guys get me everytime. i am loving people i don’t even know. crazy. you both amaze me. awesome job tara and michael.
    smiles forever
    ria bia

  3. a m a z i n g
    everytime i watch one of the family movies the two of you create, i ball my eyes out and fall in love with the stars of the show!
    breath taking, heart warming, beautiful happiness. my heart is smiling. xo

  4. That was so beautiful!! LOVED IT!!!
    My 13 month old daughter loved it so much she watched it 3 times in a row! She was glued to the screen from start to finish then clapped each time at the end of it. So cute!
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful film/photos/family.
    We wished you lived in Australia so we could get one done!!

  5. Wow, I am hysterically crying over this beautiful video of a fabulous family I dont even know! Tara your work is amazing. I continue to hope and dream that one day we can get down to Socal and have you shoot our family.

  6. you guys are killin’ me with these videos… talented and such a treasure. i hope i can be so lucky as to have something like this some day! :)

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