Frisco, TX – Let’s make cupcakes


I drove straight from the last session to this one, sucking down an iced tea and tossing trail mix into my mouth the whole way. My drives between each session were so invigorating to me. Big blue sky, windows down, directions on my iPhone, country music on the radio, anticipation.

I walked in to their home to the smell of chocolate cupcakes baking, and took in the curious family at the door greeting me. I was immediately taken back by the eyes of both of these girls, and saw that they were possibly unsure or nervous of what to expect out of me. So I asked if I could see their rooms – and we bonded, MAJORLY, over American Girl dolls and music and hair. It broke the ice and from then on everyone was comfortable with my camera.

Mom worked on the pizza while we started, and then we all came downstairs for lunch and cupcake decorating. We ended with hanging out on their back patio, and turning on the sprinklers in the backyard. The conversation flowed between us so intensely that at times I forgot I was supposed to be there to photograph them – I was so pulled to want to talk, and listen. Mom and Dad moved here from Brazil, and everyone had the most beautiful accents and names and laughs.

They sent me off full – from the pizza, the cupcakes, and their lovely energy.


Trophy Club, TX – good morning, lovely

Drove up to their home during a neighborhood garage sale on a cool sunny morning at 9am. We talked for a few minutes at the beginning, and then off they went on their normal Saturday morning. I was just lucky to be there, and lucky to have them as clients, lucky that they wanted what I am yearning to give.

It takes a lot of energy to connect to complete strangers in the limited amount of time we are together, but I am also filled up with what they give back to me. Most probably have no idea what they have given me, how when our time is over I feel alternately depleted and like I could take on the world.

I love so many forms of photography, so many types of sessions … really I love getting to know people while I photograph them. I can give anyone and any type of family a beautiful portrait of themselves – I have met enough and photographed enough to have the confidence in that. But … here is where my drive to create lies.

In the simple moments and routines of life, watching as it unfolds and being truly in the moment with the client, connecting with them by  s e e i n g  them, so that I know what to bring my camera up to my face for. So that I know what means something to them.

This is my “thing”. This is what I need to keep doing. This is what I will keep trying to convince other people that they need.

This is Crystal and her family.

PS : As I was writing this I got an email from her telling me that she had blogged the session. Here is her post if you’d like to read.


listen \ (new!)edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros

Come dance with me
over murder and pain
over heartache and shame
I wanna set you free.
I want the whole damn world
come dance with me. (CONTENT SIGH)

If you know me at all or follow me online in any of the places you can do such a thing, you know of my extreme love for this band. I posted here when I first discovered them, and the love affair has not cooled off in any way, shape, or form. Total spazz would drop everything if they asked me to join their band fangirl.

There’s a restaurant near me with this one certain dish. It is: pot roast served on top of garlic mashed potatoes on top of an open faced toasted garlic french roll. Um, yes please. Garlic bread and mashed potatoes are my favorite food combination. Which is TOTALLY healthy. Anyway, I loooooved this and I called it “Tara On A Plate” during our brief love affair wherein I ate it too many times too frequently and then felt sick one time after and now can never eat it again.

Edward Sharpe is Tara On A Plate. Only, I  s a v o r  them.

When Jade starts belting at about 0:55 I just want to get up and jump around the room and pound on a piano and shake my people and sing this to them.

I was feeling such a mess I thought you’d leave me behind
I was feeling so upset I thought the sun never shine
Then I find
We’ve been best friends forever darlin’
No matter what
You’ve got my love to lean on darlin
That’s What’s Up
(That’s What’s Up is an adorable phrase and I have now absorbed it into my own vocabulary)

Before this album came out, I listened to their NPR concert obsessively.

I now listen to this obsessively, and the family rolls their eyes lovingly in my direction (I just know it’s lovingly) every time I put this on in the car. I am a little biased, since I love them with all of my heart but they can do no wrong.

Get HERE by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros on Amazon

Come dance with me!