l.a. adventure

yesterday, very last minute and unexpected**, i was able to break free from the chains that bind me (freeeeeeeeDOM! (say it like mel gibson in braveheart) ) and drive into l.a. for some mad shopping with emily.

we hit up paper source, my first time.

we ate on the patio at cheesecake factory (giggly wondering if we would see a celeb) and we did. jessica alba came walking by!

while walking to the car we found this cool alley, and wanted to copy elsie and take this shot.




cant decide which version i like best.

and we found this cool spot too and took a couple more pics.



and then we hit the mother ship. em took me to the salvage yard where she recently bought some old ugly doors and windows for her apartment. i was literally hyper-ventilating as we got closer and closer. i could feel my heart beating rapidly in excitement. i am such a dork. i just couldnt wait to sift through some JUNK! the guy there, Sev, was totally cool and remembered em and liked us a lot i think. and i got the twin to emily’s blue door, two window frames (red and yellow) and a KILLER huge old white picture frame for $60!!! yeah, he liked us.

it was a bit of a puzzle getting it all to fit inside jeff’s toyota prius, but we managed and the smell of old wood surrounded us for the rest of the day.


snifffffffff, aaaahhhh old wood.

Info on the salvage yard:
Silverlake Yards
ask for Sev, tell him the two blog chicks sent you. ;)

**everyone give jeff a round of applause for taking the kids for the day. i love you dude.

in front of a window


from a shoot on saturday. i am going through the images, getting ready to proof them and came across this doozy. look at this kid. she was amazing to hang out with. amazing hair, amazing eyes. FUN personality.

i had her in front of her bedroom window for this shot and metered for her face. then i adjusted curves/levels in PS to get her skin ton the way i wanted it.

party of six

wow-i have had a BUSY weekend. four photo shoots since saturday. i was able to meet so many really cool families and it feels good to have gotten a bunch done at once. now i can focus on proofing and creating.

this is my friend erin and her family. she had a birthday in february and my gift to her was a photo shoot. we scored on some super locations too.

they had this great field of grass behind their house.


i love that you can see the personalities of everyone in this shot. i swear i didnt tell them to do anything but stand in a line. i love feet shots!


and erin saw a similar shot online and wanted to replicate it with her son kyle.


just a super quick preview for my buddy, i have a ton to do before i can even look at the rest of her session! love you girl.

also, get ready for a big party this saturday at 2peas. :) national scrapbook day, here we come.