l.a. adventure

yesterday, very last minute and unexpected**, i was able to break free from the chains that bind me (freeeeeeeeDOM! (say it like mel gibson in braveheart) ) and drive into l.a. for some mad shopping with emily.

we hit up paper source, my first time.

we ate on the patio at cheesecake factory (giggly wondering if we would see a celeb) and we did. jessica alba came walking by!

while walking to the car we found this cool alley, and wanted to copy elsie and take this shot.




cant decide which version i like best.

and we found this cool spot too and took a couple more pics.



and then we hit the mother ship. em took me to the salvage yard where she recently bought some old ugly doors and windows for her apartment. i was literally hyper-ventilating as we got closer and closer. i could feel my heart beating rapidly in excitement. i am such a dork. i just couldnt wait to sift through some JUNK! the guy there, Sev, was totally cool and remembered em and liked us a lot i think. and i got the twin to emily’s blue door, two window frames (red and yellow) and a KILLER huge old white picture frame for $60!!! yeah, he liked us.

it was a bit of a puzzle getting it all to fit inside jeff’s toyota prius, but we managed and the smell of old wood surrounded us for the rest of the day.


snifffffffff, aaaahhhh old wood.

Info on the salvage yard:
Silverlake Yards
ask for Sev, tell him the two blog chicks sent you. ;)

**everyone give jeff a round of applause for taking the kids for the day. i love you dude.

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  1. **clapping for Jeff** Dads who take the kids are the VERY best! Kudos to you!

    And, I like the 2nd photo the best!!! Soft, but yet perfect…..

  2. YAY for Jeff… Yay for being a great Dad and a great husband at the same time!

    and YAY for Tara…. just please tell me that jessica did not stop and eat cake too! Too much to know she looks like that AND gets to eat cake..LOL

  3. Tasr, Sounds like a great day together with friends. I will be in San Diego at the end of July and I hope I am sitting at a cafe and you walk by with your camera…(Maybee you could take a photo of my kids…LOL How cool would that be. :)))) Love the photographs.

  4. Very cool finds! I’m an L.A. girl so I love going out for Sunday brunch then roaming around the Melrose Trading Post which is a little flea market on Melrose. I bet you’d love it- lots of cool stuff. Clothes, housewears, art, jewelry, music, random random finds. Lemme know if you want any more details :)

  5. …was hoping to get a “sighting” of the orange handbag – I love all things orange/coral/terracotta/…. I’m glad (and so envious of) Emily that she’s got such a good friend in the “New Country”. Go Emily.
    Tara you’re a great fun person – my day’s empty if you don’t blog. South African greetings.

  6. i lubs the middle pic of the set of 3 – kind of need you tell me how to get that look!!

    I tried the cheesecake factory at Marina Del Rey when I came over ….. them cheesecakes are enough to clog your arteries, you know! Yummo though and I saw no celebs but I saw Elle magazine doing a shoot on the boat yard with a young surfer dude who I could of got arrested for had I of gone with my first instinct and snogged him. All i saw at the factory was a fabbo couple who offered to take me shopping in Armani. No thanks I said because

    a. You might veer off to some side street and kill me
    b. I shop at old navy
    c. Im british – I permanently look needy

    Have a great day and save me some junk for when I come back in septembo

  7. So, I’m looking at this pic of the two of you together and I’m reading about you and Emily and then it clicks ……. hey, that’s our Emily …… our aussie Emily ! Emily Falconbridge from Australia. Looks like you’re having a great time in the US.

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