family session in oceanside


this family belongs to martha abelson, a photographer in chicago. in southern california on vacation, they met up with me in oceanside for a few hours of beach fun.


love finding numbers and letters that correlate with the people im photographing…


martha learned the hard way here, never turn your back on the ocean. in fact, later that day, or possibly in an email she told me that she read a pamphlet on “ocean safety” in her hotel room that said specifically: NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON THE OCEAN. we had a good laugh about that after her entire back-side got soaked.



the minute i saw this hair, i knew i had to get some shot of it, all by itself. i was SO HAPPY when i saw this running by, and that i actually got it before she passed.


grandma also came along to hop into a few shots-i love this one-i think grandma just got sold up the river here-the girls had just blabbed that “grandma curses!”


the twins. i wanted to do something “twinny”. at the very last second as we were about to leave, the idea to put them back to back popped into my head. and it was so funny-they immediately did the exact same thing when i asked “who is the tallest?”





i have been in a TOTAL blog slump, if you hadnt already noticed. i think all the work and time i spent on getting this blog up depleted me of future posts for awhile. that and maybe i am mourning the loss of my old blog a little bit too. which sounds crazy, i know. but i am a little bit crazy…you all should know this about me. crazy, crazy, crazy.

oh-i have a short and sweet interview up at yellow fence if you want to check that out.

i think thats all for now.

yes, pretty sure that is all.


huntington beach with deb and kaden


deb and kaden have a very special story. she traveled to russia as a single woman a few years ago to change up her life a little bit. she never expected that one day, she would adopt and be the mother of this very adorable, very blonde, and very happy little russian boy. kaden was adopted only one year ago, and yet their connection is already immense.


dont you love his little boots? they are his favorite. orange is deb’s favorite color, so i was happy to plop them in front of my favorite orange wall in HB. i will be so sad when this construction is done and it is no longer there for me to use!



once we were finished taking some portraits we got to the beach and let him loose. deb watched for awhile in the shade of the pier.


and then she got in on the action too.


i love this one, with kaden sandy all over his belly. look at the way she beams at him…


and then the woody. my parents were happy to let me use the car as a prop-i think they like all the attention they get on my blog honestly. (wink) and kaden was super excited to get in and look at all the levers and buttons. deb ordered this shot in a 10×20 horizontal-going to look super cool on her walls.


thank you so much for the excitement over the changes. it was so nice to share finally-my brother also wants me to let everyone know that he is going to be getting a price structure ready so that he can start helping other people customize their WP blogs. as soon as he is ready i will share the info here if anyone is interested.

this weekend we have a family birthday party and some beach time planned. ill be back with more on monday.
