What can you buy with 7 “brownie points”? by “the better half” aka Jeff aka babe aka daddy

note from tara: jeff has wanted to hijack the blog forever now-unfortunately, the way i am about housework? yes, that is the way he is about writing things down. so, its taken awhile. i thought it might be fun every once in awhile to get his point of view on how things go around here. his category is called “the better half”. his idea. im allowing it.

So about a week ago I brought flowers home for Tara and made some comment about earning some brownie points with the wife. Pretty typical but this time Drew (10 years old) heard the word brownie and instantly wanted some. He started to pepper me with questions about these mysterious points like: what are they? What can you buy with 10 brownie points? And most importantly he wanted to know how he could acquire some of his own.

Brownie points are such a vague thing that I had trouble convincing him that they actually exist at first. I mean what exactly is a brownie point and what exactly do you get for one? I ended up giving him a sweeping generalization that they were a favor or something nice you did for someone who would later repay the favor for you. However, this course of reasoning cracked and crumbled under the inquisitive questioning of a 10 year old. When my answers didn’t add up for him, he asked, “OK, well how many brownie points do I need to get a soda?” And then it happened…

I was about to explain that brownie points don’t work like that and I am sure he would have blown the whole thing off as some kind of prank I was trying to pull. But then I got a quick glimpse into the possible gold mine I had stumbled across.

“Well…” I answered, “uummm… 7 brownie points for a soda.”

And he bought it! Not only did he buy it but he quickly rushed to inform his brother that for a measly 7 brownie points they could get a soda. The idea spread like wildfire to the other children and soon I had them all frothing at the mouth to earn some brownie points. I would just arbitrarily assign point values to things like 12 points for 30 minutes of gameboy time. You wouldn’t believe how effective this technique has been. All I have to do is mention brownie points and I can get the kids do the dishes, bring in the groceries, quiet down in the car, or give me a quick back rub.

And the fact that I am so arbitrary with my distribution of the points just seems to whip them up into a frenzy even more. I may very well be sick and wrong, but it is so much freakin fun to just randomly award McKenna with 100 brownie points and watch the chaos erupt. To regain control I simply start giving out brownie points to the kids that calm down.

My friend Jon made the funny observation that I am the Drew Carey of Brownie Points. We used to get so riled up when he would just randomly award points on the show Whose Line Is It Anyway?

I am sure that very soon the gig will be up, but until then I can answer the question: What can you buy with 7 Brownie Points?

a can of soda = 7 brownie points
30 minutes of game time = 12 brownie points
staying up an extra hour after bed time = 17 brownie points
4 mislead children and 1 resourceful dad… priceless.

-Jeff, aka the better half

and they aren’t even married yet.

so shane (my brother) and rachel (his girlfriend, may as well be my sister) were over for their weekly date at our house saturday night. we like to par-TAY, the way us old married folk know how to do it! you know, by watching tv and eating take-out in bed after the kids fall asleep. throw in some ice cream eaten straight from the quart and YOU WILL FORGET THAT YOU ARENT OUT AT A CLUB.

(by the way, they just revamped rachels blog and i love the new look!)

their new apartment doesn’t have a laundry hook up, so they frequently do it over here.

they were folding clothes together, when shane abruptly stopped. he was apparently finished, but there was still a pretty good pile going on.

me: “um…baby brother…your lady is still folding. get busy.”

rachel: “he can only fold PANTS.”

i roll my eyes and look at him.

shane: “well, i cant fold the rest to her specifications.”

shane: “i dont know origami.

north beach, san clemente

katrina and mike consider themselves incredibly blessed and incredibly lucky. their youngest daughter was born with only half of her heart. her prognosis at birth was very unstable and they have been through a lot this past year. surgeries, hospital stays, hope, and lots of prayers. when katrina contacted me several months ago, rylie had just come home from a surgery and was doing wonderfully. she was ready to celebrate and wanted a photo shoot so that their family could do just that. celebrate what they have, and remember this time in their lives forever.

from the moment she first emailed me, she stole my heart. which was fitting-for i would gladly share mine with miss rylie.


they are both surfers so they brought some of their boards to play with.


look at what twins these two are!


someone is ten, and bailed on us for awhile to try out the waves…


but he didnt stay away for long.


i adore everyones expressions in this one! adore.



two more i absolutely LOVE the expressions on…



and packing up and heading out…unplanned and a favorite.


i am personally so ecstatic it is friday. spending today catching up on some work, having lunch with a friend, and having more friends over tonight for a sleepover and drink off. NOW mommy gets her mcmargarita! :)

edited sunday morning-katrina emailed me some information, here is a cut/paste of that email for everyone. 

I just saw the post of our family… thanks for telling our story!! I’d be honored to have people follow our story (category: Rylie Hope Update) on my blog… and/or give out the website for CHI Fund which is an organization that raises awareness and funds for Rady Children’s Hospital (where Rylie receives her care). www.chifund.org . (I’ll be adding Rylie’s bio soon… and it may have your picture attached to it)

We are getting ready for our annual Gala which will be in November in SD.  The theme is “work of heart”… we are auctioning art and gift packages… and all proceeds benefit Children’s Heart Institute!!  Know anyone who may be interested in a donation?? (it’s tax deductible)

I feel so blessed that we’ve come in contact with you.  You are truly an exceptional person!

Oh… and enjoy your mcmargarita!! I’m so jealous!

Thanks again,
Katrina Vredevelt