i am alive and kicking!

thank you for your patience the last week and a half-you guys were making me tear up, laugh, and feel so grateful with your comments and concern. thank you. nothing bad is happening, thank god. we are all fine, the whitney house is in one piece, and things are moving along wonderfully. i just needed a bit of time to pull back and focus. i am still needing to focus, but think i can add the blog back in to my daily routine. however, please be patient with me if i cant respond as quickly to emails. especially until school starts in a few weeks. everything should be back on track by then!

SO-back to regularly scheduled programming. the final performance of the miracle project day camp was WONDERFUL! we dropped mckenna off and had to wait for an hour while they had a dress rehearsal. the whole family came up that day, so we walked down the street to find something to do. we came across a busy street with super wide grass medians and we hung out there under the shade of a tree.

well i hung out in the shade of the tree. they climbed the tree.

and had a jumping contest.

and then, they hung out in the shade of the tree. with me.

nate took both of these of me and anna, and i adore this one. i didnt know he was taking a picture-i was breathing in the smell of her.

then it was time to go back and watch the show. here is coach elaine.

and the decorations.

her solo:

that led into this:

the final song:

and a photo with coach kat, and coach e.

we even got video. ill see if i can get it going and post at the bottom here.

we are signing her up for the full program this year-and hopefully the other kids will be able to volunteer. still finding out details. i havent had a chance to really think about this experience since the performance, but looking at the photos brought back the rush of joy and gratitude i had that whole week. mckenna was full throttle happy like i havent seen her in a long time. life really stresses her out. she is cranky and whiny a lot of the time, it is hard to bring out her joy some days. but this entire week it was there, obvious, for all to see. for me to be able to go with her, and be able to see HER, the way i know she is inside was absolutely priceless to me. because she cant always show us the real HER on her own. it took a miracle to bring it out.

and here is a clip! working on her solo one next.

• climbing out •

i am climbing out of the hole that not working for a week got me into…slowly but surely.

also, some personal and very high priority things have recently cropped up-forgive me if i am not as speedy returning emails or posting here.

be back soon with images from the last day of camp, healthy food updates, photo shares, and OPAM-must attend to clients while my sister is here playing with my clan.

• she was given a solo •

and when i heard i cheered inwardly, not wanting to look like it mattered very much to me. but it did, it did – for her. she has wanted this for as long as i can remember, and is finally getting her chance.

tomorrow is the final perfomance, we are all going up together.

and, traffic makes me lose my faith in humanity, BUT it’s worth it because i get three or four hours each day to focus solely on her. she is “DJ Mac”, with complete 100% control over the iPod. and she frigging loves it.

