• climbing out •

i am climbing out of the hole that not working for a week got me into…slowly but surely.

also, some personal and very high priority things have recently cropped up-forgive me if i am not as speedy returning emails or posting here.

be back soon with images from the last day of camp, healthy food updates, photo shares, and OPAM-must attend to clients while my sister is here playing with my clan.

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  1. Take all the time you need – but just so you know – as addicted as I am to you – I will still check your blog approximately 5 times a day :) Tara Fan #45987

  2. T, no new posts… just means that you are out there living life… and hopefully taking pics! Then we’ll all get to see the images eventually, when things slow down again… which they eventually will. Keep on keepin’ on sista’!

  3. I will look forward to seeing the photos from the last day of camp. It has been very interesting to read about your finding this camp for your daughter. How fortunate. Thank you for sharing that journey with us.

  4. I know all about the holes in life:). Thankyou Tara for being so real and so honest. Hope you’ve got some time to take care of YOU. Hope while your sis is here, you and your sweet man can go out alone together:):):):)
    Hope McKenna’s solo went well…what an incredible experience you’ve given her.

  5. I love your blog! It’s a highlight in my day! I thought you might be interested in wordle.net You can put in the link to your blog and it creates a beautiful word collage based on your text. It’s really awesome!

  6. I just love your photography…read your blog all the time…Just wanted to share with you…a photo that I did….Sort of like the awesome angle that you did for Father’s day/Mother’s day….I wanted to recreate something similiar when we went on vacation with our good friends….thought I would share….www.allenfamilyof5.blogspot.com/2008/08tybee-island-part-one.html

  7. Tara~ Does it mean I have no life when I check your site a couple times a day….or possibly more, but who’s counting? I mean, I have four kids of my own that I need to plan school for. I can’t believe school is just around the corner. I have a camping trip to plan. I have 2 weddings, a reception, and a family portrait session to edit, 2 kids to pack for a week long camp tomorrow and another family photo shoot.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is…well, that I miss you and your family even though I’ve never met you. I tell anyone who will listen to me to come look at your blog.

    Looking forward to the next post….

  8. your photos are beautiful. and you are so eloquent. so intiguing and inspirational, your last few posts made me tear up, I am an over emotional mother too. Mckenna is gorgeous, she just glows. I’m sure you know Mckenna means gift from the heart in hawaiian.

  9. tara, i have been checking your blog like 10x a day hoping for a post.(yes; i obviously need to find something to do-ha)! however, i know how important it is to take the time you need and we will all be here ready and waiting when you are back to posting. we miss you and i can’t wait to see some more of your photo goodness!


  10. just checking on you and saw you are MIA and hoping all is wonderful and that you are just off enjoying those kiddos and your hubby. if that is not the case and there is something I can do, just ask. I am not too far away and would love to be of help ~ a break, food, listening, editing, whatever… seriously.

  11. So glad to see you back. Glad things are okay – hope you continue to take time for YOU.

    “I was breathing in the smell of her” – AH. Boy can I relate to that!! Nothing in the world can compare that beautiful gift that we get to experience as mothers. :-D “Take time to smell the roses – and your children!” :-D

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