i am alive and kicking!

thank you for your patience the last week and a half-you guys were making me tear up, laugh, and feel so grateful with your comments and concern. thank you. nothing bad is happening, thank god. we are all fine, the whitney house is in one piece, and things are moving along wonderfully. i just needed a bit of time to pull back and focus. i am still needing to focus, but think i can add the blog back in to my daily routine. however, please be patient with me if i cant respond as quickly to emails. especially until school starts in a few weeks. everything should be back on track by then!

SO-back to regularly scheduled programming. the final performance of the miracle project day camp was WONDERFUL! we dropped mckenna off and had to wait for an hour while they had a dress rehearsal. the whole family came up that day, so we walked down the street to find something to do. we came across a busy street with super wide grass medians and we hung out there under the shade of a tree.

well i hung out in the shade of the tree. they climbed the tree.

and had a jumping contest.

and then, they hung out in the shade of the tree. with me.

nate took both of these of me and anna, and i adore this one. i didnt know he was taking a picture-i was breathing in the smell of her.

then it was time to go back and watch the show. here is coach elaine.

and the decorations.

her solo:

that led into this:

the final song:

and a photo with coach kat, and coach e.

we even got video. ill see if i can get it going and post at the bottom here.

we are signing her up for the full program this year-and hopefully the other kids will be able to volunteer. still finding out details. i havent had a chance to really think about this experience since the performance, but looking at the photos brought back the rush of joy and gratitude i had that whole week. mckenna was full throttle happy like i havent seen her in a long time. life really stresses her out. she is cranky and whiny a lot of the time, it is hard to bring out her joy some days. but this entire week it was there, obvious, for all to see. for me to be able to go with her, and be able to see HER, the way i know she is inside was absolutely priceless to me. because she cant always show us the real HER on her own. it took a miracle to bring it out.

and here is a clip! working on her solo one next.

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  1. Tara, Thanks for sharing all of this with us. I have a son with Autism who sang his first solo at the Adaptive Music concert this Spring and it was so great to see him doing his “thing” for all to see. Isn’t it great to see our kids be the star and to see a side of them we don’t always get to see! Your story just brought back all the feelings and emotions I had on that night. I am always so proud of my son but that night was just special…and it was all about him! My heart was full! I am glad to hear that Mckenna will get to continue on in such a powerful and positive program like this! Yeah Mckenna! I especially loved the photo your son took of you two girls. So sweet and real! You may have competition! :) Take care! Shelley

  2. OH MY,I just wanted to reach through the screen and hug her!!! How precious is she??? Tare she’s beautiful. I’m so happy she was able to be apart of this weeks fun,and ohhh how your mama heart is smilin’.

  3. CANNOT WAIT FOR THE SOLO VIDEO!! She is absolutely precious! what a blessing for her to have a mom that is helping her discover herself and a mom that is so interested in understanding her!! be encouraged…lots of luv from the big “D”

  4. what a beautiful girl. i am sitting here in tears. i am so thrilled that you found this program and had the chance to see this side of M. God bless those wonderful coaches and volunteers.

    all the best to you and the family

  5. Tara,
    I usually never leave comments on the blogs I peak at…but I can’t resist the feelings I felt after watching your cute little daughters performance. Made me teary and so grateful for the opportunity she had to shine her light in her own way. So glad you found this for her and for yourself.


  6. Tara, I have been an admirer of your work and your blog for a little while now. It means so much that you share your life this way. Your video clip has moved me to comment for the first time. The beauty, magic, and truth of these recorded seconds is simply overwhelming. A deep and truly heart-FELT thank you for sharing. May your sweet family continue to blossom and grow in so much love. And may we all hear and embrace such a song. Blessings from New Orleans.

  7. Oh Tara, I’m crying! She looks so happy. Reminds me of the times I volunteered for Mencap, which is a UK charity. I loved it there, although it was hard work. I’m so glad you found a program for her that you both love.

  8. Seriously a miracle – Taylor and Christian and I watched the movie and Elaine’s magic just comes right off the screen. Kenna is so lucky to have this experience ( and I do believe I’ve said before she’s lucky to have you for a mama – making it happen ). Just another of those “meant to be moments”. And I have to tell you – remember the dork mom Duster/Guster thing? Well, I’m still trying. Christian’s latest (other than the obvious Modest Mouse?!?! and ColdPlay :) ) is The New Pornographers…ummmm…he bought a t-shirt….and he’s only allowed to wear it around the house.

  9. It’s all so beautiful. Really, all of it. Your photos touch me in a way that others miss. It must start with you just being there with or without the camera because everyone looks so darn HAPPY to be there with you.
    Once again, thanks for sharing.

  10. mmmm…i DO see her joy in a big way.
    it shines so brightly and i can tell others are inspired by her.
    she was so passionate here.
    those lyrics are a gentle reminder for each of us.

    she made my day.
    thank you for sharing something so sacred and precious.


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