friday night

Mckenna snuggles are very rare. She doesn’t like to be touched. The most we typically get, is a type of haphazard head lean where she might touch her forehead or shoulder to us in her a form of a hug. We take what we can get.

Lately, she has been instigating this above scenario with Jeff. This is how it goes down.

Jeff is working on the computer.

Mckenna comes up and leans her head against his right shoulder.

Keeps leaning until he has to swivel his chair out from under the table and fully recline to accommodate the way she leans and climbs and folds up onto him.

Folds onto his lap and curls up with her head on his chest.

Sometimes they talk, but she likes the silence.

He makes her laugh.

He sits like this with her until she is ready to get up. He would sit like this for hours.

I get jealous (not really) and want her in MY arms. He knows it and being the tease that he is, has to rub it in, just a little bit.

Then she gets up and shuffles off, leaving us wondering why she came to connect. And why she left.

We know that when moments like this arise with Mckenna, we have to stop and give them to her or we miss out.

She helps remind us to live the way we want to live.



(Twitter followers, these are the last images I took with my 5d before the mirror locked up and it stopped working, and I wrote this.)

giveaway (moirai tools)

Winner is: Valeska Wehr!

moirai specializes in tools, resources, and software for a variety of Adobe Photoshop users.  From hobbyists to professional photographers and graphic designers, the tools we offer provide valuable functionality for a wide audience:

moirai Compositor: This new tool is the sequel to Heart is Found Storyboard Maker. The original Storyboard Maker is a popular tool for creating page layouts and storyboard images. Compositor builds upon that by offering even more features:

  • A new user interface makes the tool easier to use: Picking the dimensions of the final image is more straight-forward and looks just like the Image Size dialog in Photoshop. Other options are now defined similarly.
  • Picking the images for your composition is easier than ever: You no longer have to load all of your images into Photoshop® in exactly the right order. The new interface allows you pick other images to include by browsing files on your computer. You can also re-order the images before generating the final composition.
  • There are new options for the final composition so the tool can do more for you: You can specify borders on the individual images in the composition, you can specify background colors other than white, and you can even pick another image to use as the background.
  • Best of all, you get to choose the final layout: Instead of a layout being automatically chosen, you are a given a choice of numerous layout options. This flexibility guarantees that you’ll get the composition you want with no hassles.

One person will win a free moirai Compositor – comments on facebook are not applicable.

Winner chosen Sunday night at 8pm PST.

Good luck!