I’ve got a blueberry for a daughter!

Last week we had the pleasure of watching two of our children perform in Willy Wonka Jr, a musical.

Drew nailed the part of Willy Wonka. He was the very first actor to enter the stage, and he did it with a SOLO.

Mckenna was the perfect Oompa Loompa. She followed the choreography like a pro!

Jeff and I were squeezing each other’s hands and smiling-so-big-my-face-hurt-after for the entire show.

We were in theater together in high school, so watching our children going down the same path is thrilling.
Especially when they are so. damn. good.

It was overwhelming, thrilling, exciting, filled my heart to BURSTING.

A WONDERFUL night for our little family of six.


giveaway (jamie schultz designs)

Winner is Candi Leonard!

Jamie Schultz Designs has some fabulous new products for the spring shooting season.  Whether it’s high school seniors, newborns, or engaged couples…Jamie has you covered!  Check out some of her latest releases!

Jamie Schultz Designs is proud to partner with Tara on her blog.  As a token of our appreciation to the loyal Just Be Blogged readers, Jamie is offering a $10 gift code off a purchase of $40 or more to you just for reading this blog! (Enter code: tara10)

In addition, one lucky winner will receive a set of  Senior Wallet Box templates from  www.jamieschultzdesigns.com!

Here’s how to win – leave a comment here on the blog.

Winner chosen at 8pm PST, Sunday night.

Good luck!

in betweens

Hello everyone…I will leave you with this for the weekend…one of the newest “in betweens”.

I have fallen deeply for this infant collection of mine. These liquid shapes mean something to me. I love how the heads and limbs are fused together – like souls intertwined. It is visual proof of the connection that is there but you can never actually see with your own eyes. No matter how much you want to, no matter how strongly you feel it there.

Can’t you just feel that drippy evening light when the sun wraps around your arms and legs like a tickle?

I can.

