best laid plans

Well, after all that “I’M BAaaaaaAAAaaCK” talk yesterday, guess what went and happened?

My iMac started acting up. We have been fiddling with it for 24 hours – and we finally threw in the towel and are taking it in to get looked at tomorrow. It doesn’t want to do anything, and freezes up at the slightest task.


Not sure when I will have it back, but I will resume posting regularly as soon as I do.


some version of normal

Summer is over!
This morning I sent the littles and bigs off to their schools. Everyone was happy. I hid tears behind sunglasses I did not need on this cloudy gloomy day. (First time I can remember it raining on the first day of school, EVER.) Normally it is hotter then hell, with everyone wishing they could wear the new Fall clothes they purchased while sweating and dreaming of cooler temps. Some do even though it is 90 degrees, and they regret it. But today they got to wear their new flannels and hoodies and boots, and they were happy.

Now, my house is quiet, I have a few hours to myself, and I feel a tiny bit lost, but I am sure I will get back into the swing of things.
My first thought was, “I HAVE TO BLOG.”
Thank you for hanging in there with me – I know this summer has been a little light in the blog department. I just couldn’t bring myself to spend much time on the computer when the pool and a book and the ipod and the kids and maybe even a beer were calling my name.

But now I am back, in some new version of normal. I say new version because I feel a little bit like I went through a revision in the last few months. A reboot. Realizing that I wanted to and then writing about my truth has given me a sense of calm, a sense of relief, a sense of ME – that I haven’t had in a long time. I am grateful for that. I like how I feel right now. I am grateful for that, too.

I am grateful for you.

There are so many sessions to share, so many personal stories to tell and images to edit – I guess I will start with what we did this weekend and go from there.

Emily is moving from Perth, Australia to the East Coast. She was in southern California for just a little bit, getting ready for the move. We had a three day sleepover with both of our families, (just like the good old days), before saying goodbye for another long while.

These are some of the photos I took of our time together, edited using the ShakeItPhoto app on my iPhone.



‘no one’s ever made me feel so much like me.’

The Whitneys from maile wilson on Vimeo.

Maile (pronounced Miley), from Relish Photography, contacted me a few months ago, wondering if I would want to be a “model” for her camera bags, in a new ad campaign. (Sounds so fancy.)(I put “model” in “quotes” because no matter what anyone else says, I will always feel like I am making a weird face in front of  a camera.) Loving her bags and her photography the way I do, I jumped at the chance. I was thrilled to have been asked.

For my shoot, she wanted a California beach kind of vibe, and told me she was renting a red VW bus to use. She was speaking my language. I was excited. Beyond.

And THEN, she told me she wanted to photograph my family, as a thank you. Um, excuse me? What did you just say? My family? On the beach? With a red VW bus? Am I dreaming?

I think I was dreaming. I think I still am.

We had pretty recently had our photos taken by my dear friend Bonnie, yet it was a surprise to see how we have changed since May. My kids grow like weeds in the summer! It makes me feel like once a year is not enough for family photos. I think we need to do them quarterly. Hear that, Jeff?

…I am so glad I have those images that Bonnie took in May. I am so glad I have these, too. These, with Drew’s new favorite hat, Nate’s new favorite glasses, Anna’s new favorite boots. All accessories that we rarely see them without lately. I love that Nathan never took his glasses off. I love that she never asked him to. These, with Jeff in “casual office attire” since he raced straight from work to make it before sunset, and by the way, she got these family shots in a measly 15 minutes. And that he did it for me, when leaving work and driving in traffic and doing a photo shoot is his least favorite thing in the entire world. That he did it means a lot to me. These, with that glorious summer light. With Nate’s hand on Drew’s head. Drew’s arm around Ken. Me laughing while photographing them. With Mckenna and her impish face. Jeff’s one toenail that he allowed Anna to paint. Me with my face in his neck, my favorite place. Our hair flying around. These, with that glorious perfect little VW. The kind that I will own someday, or else. These, with so many little interactions that maybe no one else will pick up on, but that I see, and I treasure that they are caught for me to stare at whenever I want, forever.

I had never met Maile before, but one night together and I already want to be her friend for a very long time. After our shoot, we shared some meaty conversation over fishbowl margaritas and carnitas tacos. That’s how I like to woo the ladies. I dropped her off at her hotel and felt like I was saying goodnight to a long lost bosom buddy. Now, I feel that way even more so. Seeing how she saw us the way I see us. I think I might have photographed us just like this, had I been able to clone myself and do it that night.

She asked me for two of my favorite songs to make this slideshow, and since that is an impossible question for me to answer, I gave her two songs I just happened to fall in love with today.
Go Together by Jillian Edwards
Pea by Rabbit

Go, download now, listen, and be happy.

I will sit here and be happy too.

Thank you will never be enough, girl.

