giveaway – Ketti Handbags

Ketti from Ketti Handbags is giving away one of her adorable, vintage-y, camera bags. These cuties remind me of the bag Mary Poppins pulls from as she decorates her new room at the The Banks’. Carpet bag loveliness, yes please!

One very lucky commenter will have the choice of any of the bags currently listed on her website, even if it is not in stock at the moment.

Only comments on the blog apply, if you are reading on Facebook please click here to post a comment.

Winner chosen Monday morning, 9am PST.

Ready, Set, Go!




a VW bus, a beach, and my kids

Here are the rest of the shots that I took the day Maile photographed my family on the beach, as promised.

I realized upon looking through them that I was focusing a lot on Mckenna, to make sure I got some good ones of her. And I focused on her so much, that I didn’t get many of the other kids. Oh well, that happens sometimes. And thankfully, Maile was there to fill in the gaps.

These are all straight out of the camera. (SOOC) I am leaning more and more towards this type of feel with my photographs. Nailing it when I take it, and often just adjusting curves a little bit, and leaving it. I sharpen for posting on the web, and that’s about it. I am okay with tiny imperfections. I like them.

Some of these are definitely going up in my house – they will forever bring back memories of that lovely day.

Love these little rats. So, so much. Even though they each have an IV hooked up to my arm, draining me to empty everyday. I would rather give everything I have to them, than anyone or anything else.



brown eyed girls

I melt into these eyes.

They are each brown eyed girls, but the browns are so different.

Anna’s are dark chocolate, black coffee, Labrador.

Mckenna’s are milk chocolate, a leather couch, wet sand.

These two are the bookends of our family, seven years apart, yet can share shoes and shirts.

I took these on the day that Maile took our photos. I have more to share from that day, but will have to get to it next week, because I need a break from this computer, man.

