
These photos from a chilly trip to my favorite hill. The ones of the four of us were taken by my friend Ashley.

Sometimes I worry that my kids are only entertained by phones and games and tv. And then I drag them out of the house to do something as simple as climb the hill and hang out and the grumbles stop as soon as we get out of the car and the smell of California Sage hits our faces. I hang back and watch their goofy antics and look at them and sit in grateful awe that I made them in this body so many years ago. They come to me to rest their heads on my shoulder and come to me to bring a eucalyptus pod they found on the ground. I watch them appreciate the light and Instagram photos of the sunset. We find sour-grass and eat it with puckered faces.

Their patience with my camera means so much to me, I think because they know how much it means to me. I like to think that seeing me get so excited about light and our surroundings and their faces, that I have memorized but can never get enough of, means a lot to them, too.


This song and video by Frazey Ford. Kind of takes me back to my Edie Brickell high school days a little bit. I love the dresses and rompers and bellies and messy bun and body positivity.

This song by Father John Misty. Heard it in the car around Christmas and had to pull the car over to listen with a wet face. Anytime it shuffles on I have to stop everything and listen to every single word as they hit me over and over again right in the gut.


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  1. I’ve been obsessively listening to the Father Misty John album and every time Bored in The USA comes on I nod my head. This guy has great perspective. Also loving the Frazey Ford song/video. Going to look into more of her stuff right now. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I thought I was so special, digging out of a charity shop bin in the UK a very special batwing top, bedecked in a sequin butterfly. Surely it could only have been on of a kind. So I split the sides to accommodate my ample self and wear it to every fancy dress evening that I can even vaguely relate to the 80s. Then I watch that video, ADORE the song, and see her wearing my top. I don’t mind sharing.

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