
Hello, Internet.

I am a very different person from the one who wrote this almost three months ago. At the time I decided to take a break, I was feeling wretched. Last year was actually very difficult for many reasons. The end of the year was particularly bad, with one horrible thing happening after another. I was burnt out, sad, tired, stressed, unhappy, and unsatisfied. I wanted to quit being a photographer. I couldn’t stand to be in my own skin. All I saw was everything I wasn’t accomplishing. What I was doing, I wasn’t doing very well. I was completely divided, unfocused, and doing absolutely nothing with my whole heart. I moved from one thing to another, trying to find satisfaction by following my impulses instead of fulfilling my real needs.

In my past, when something happened that made me sad, stressed, or want to give up….I checked out. Or I would decide to pamper myself by doing something that was “against the rules” or frivolous. Like loading up on carbs or sugar while spending the afternoon on the couch watching TV, or spending money. Exactly NONE of these things fulfill me or heal me. They only drain me even more. I realized that I had to make a change. First was just taking the break. I knew I needed to focus on myself and I could only do that alone. Then, I had to make the move from pampering myself…to nurturing myself.

What’s the difference? There does seem to be a fine line, but think about this: You are having a rough day, so you want to give yourself a treat. You DESERVE a treat – your day is total crap! So, you get a pedicure or you buy a new pair of shoes or you check out in front of the television or you EAT your treat. The moment passes, and what are you left with? Do you feel energized? Do you feel good about yourself? Or did you simply follow an impulse that ended up being empty and meaningless in the end?

Nurturing means you look at the moment and you take care of yourself. You pay attention and see what is going on. You experiment with different things that are fulfilling for you. Then, you understand what you need and you give it to yourself in those moments of stress, sadness, or exhaustion. That means, after a bad day, you don’t reach for a bag of cookies. Instead, you make your big healthy salad and you feel so good about yourself because you gave your body something it NEEDED. Learning what you need isn’t easy – and won’t be the same for everyone. A lot of times we totally avoid what we need because it is hard. It takes energy to create energy.

This new way of thinking came through for me because I had such a dramatic cleanse. A cleanse from things that waste my time and make me feel unworthy and artificial. I have had, in the past, a big part of my life revolving around a computer. It all started because I wanted a job. I wanted a purpose. I didn’t know what my purpose was. I wanted to work from home. I wanted to meet people. I wanted to take in information.

So, this whole internet presence of mine was born, and it took off, and I didn’t handle it well. I avoided reality. I dove into social media. I connected with amazing people and not so amazing people. I went from blog to blog to blog, getting lost in the internet. You know when you suddenly look up and realize a lot of time has passed and you meant to have Googled a recipe and instead you spent the last hour reading about some person building a tree fort in their backyard in South Dakota and you are like, “Um. What the hellllllllllll am I doing?!” That is me to the max. To. The. Max.

I suppose I should say, I don’t handle it well, because we are in the present here. But we are working on it. With this break, I have reached a balance with work and personal time that I am fiercely protective over. I have immersed myself in living, which is exactly what I needed. I have had some light bulb moments. Much of my brain has shifted and seen things in a new light. All relating to my core person and what my purpose is. I almost feel like a totally brand new blogger, so unsure am I about where to focus and what to do here. This post has taken weeks to write. All stops and starts.

My two main changes have been these:

I once pampered and now I nurture.

I once used my computer time as a way to avoid my reality and immerse myself into an entirely different one. Now, all that I want is my reality  – my real, limited, fantastically beautiful and relentless life. Instead of using my computer time as a relief, I now see it as work, and I want to finish as quickly and efficiently as possible.

So – how do I nurture myself?

I know I am on the right track when these things are happening: I take care of myself. I eat foods that are good for me. I take care of my home and I don’t let small tasks pile up. I cook healthy meals for my children and send them to school with homemade lunches. I spend quality time with my family exploring nature and trying new things. I allow time for spontaneous delight.

These last three months have been one long experiment in nurturing for me, and here is what I did:

I am changing the way my house runs. Making my home an inspiring, calming place. Making sure everything HAS it’s place, and if not, out it goes. There are only two rooms I have not completed, but they are next up. I have cleared bags and bags out of closets. I have sold huge pieces of furniture that have clogged up my garage for years. I cleared and planted in my backyard, and have a plan for how to make it something I can work on creatively, yet simply. I am a collector of beautiful things found while thrifting/flea marketing/garage sale-ing. The problem with that comes when my garage starts looking like a thrift store and I hoard my treasures instead of putting them to use. Guess what, a bi-product of avoiding life is hoarding.

I am changing the way we eat. I have done it slowly and thoughtfully because I don’t want to shock my kids into not eating anything. Starting by cooking meals at home four to five days a week, with a lot of their regular favorites, but made with hidden tweaks. I switched almost everything white to brown, and added in a LOT of plants to our diet. I make a green smoothie every day, and a few of them will drink it with me. Right now I am focused on teaching them to choose nutrition over empty calories, watch their sugar intake, and eat as many things that grow out of the ground that they can in a day.

I am changing how we spend time together. I threw down the long arm of the law and banned any and all screen time for kids Monday through Thursday. This means zero TV, movies, computer (except for homework), video games, iPad, etc. It was really hard on them at first, but the changes I have seen in my house have been amazing. UH MAZE ING. I want to devote a blog post to our transition, so I will be writing more about this later.

I took a long break from work during this time and I will honestly say that I am nervous adding it back in. I didn’t pick up my Canon for two months. I took all my photos with my iPhone. I feel like a newbie. My nerves are fried, like I am off to my very first photo shoot all over again. After feeling burnt out and uninspired at the end of last year, this is actually a good feeling. It’s like butterflies. And who doesn’t love butterflies? With my upcoming re-brand I feel like things are going to fall into place for me online, a place I haven’t felt totally comfortable in for a long time.

I have been neurotic and depressed and scatterbrained for most of the time I’ve been alive. When your head is a mess, so is everything else in your life. When I turned 30, I could see that, and I didn’t want to live that way anymore. I got myself a therapist. Since then, I have worked on changing. I turned 35 last year, so this work has been going on for five very long years. I think the changes are finally becoming normal to me. A new kind of normal. I just feel…different. I am a calmer, more self aware, more grown up version of myself.

I know this is only the beginning for me. I know I will fall back into my old ways. I know things will get rough, and I will have to revisit what is nurturing for me. I know I will constantly remain vigilant. And I have to. Because I want to.

A friend of mine has gone through a similar journey alongside me, and one day a long time ago I came home to a message on my answering machine from her, pleading in a joking way, “I don’t know how to do this. I just want to turn a corner, Tara. Please! Somebody, anybody! Just let me turn a f***ing corner!”

We laughed about it then, and we still laugh about it now. That damn corner. Previously unattainable.

The thing is, I think I might have found it.

If you are still looking, leaning against the wall and struggling endlessly in the dark, reaching your hands out, stretching, praying hoping waiting for that corner to show up – it will.

Just don’t give up.


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  1. Oh goodness. You might as well have called this post, “Stop and Read This Right Now, Von!” Everything you’re doing sounds so right and good and timely. Hope it all keeps flowing for you. Some of it I am on the verge of diving into too. Less avoiding, more living.

  2. tara, you took the words right out of my head and just put them on your blog! i was just having a conversation TONIGHT with a friend, talking about JUST THIS! i can’t wait for her to read this and see that SHE (we) are NOT alone in this. thank you for so eloquently sharing what I find so hard to do. xoxo

  3. Pampering is NOT nurturing! Who knew? Thank you, Tara, for knowing and sharing – with such eloquence, as always.

    I’ve been laid off for almost two years. Until recently the finances were ok due to a well-timed refi with cash out – for a project not done – and decent severance. NOW I really need to find the money….. sigh.

    I need to follow your path.. Pray I find the strength and willpower. Your time poorly spent online mirrors my experience exactly. I even wrote a list tonight – five things to get done. I have done one thing: shared an article. oh gee.

    It’s 3:30 am; what am I doing awake? I read your blog post – I was meant to read it.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  4. I found your blog via a Twitter friend and it was the exact thing I needed to hear today. Just last night I sat on the couch surrounded by laundry, bills & other things to do feeling overwhelmed & stressed– and instead of really nurturing and taking care of myself, I sat in front of the TV and ate cookies. I definitely needed to hear that truly taking care of oneself is honoring body and soul in the most honest, clean, real ways. I know it’s going to be a tough battle to fight the tired at the end of the work day to overcome the desire to just plop down in front of the TV instead of doing something about my life and my stress. I will definitely be bookmarking this entry and re reading for inspiration. Thank you so much for your honesty.

  5. tara, this post is abolutely amazing. i had to book mark it.
    i am currently going through something similar right now. i am on short term disability from work, have been seeing a therapist and meeting with a truly inspiring woman once a week (who also happens to be a life coach).

    i found myself doing the same thing – running away from my reality and immersing myself in someone else’s. hell, i still am a bit…but i’ve grealy decluttered my reading list and only read the posts of people who stir something up inside me. such as yourself. truly inspiring and your posts are so real.. you’re cool with blogging about negative aspects of life. i’m sick of reading posts by bloggers who act like their lives have no negativity. i think it’s great if people want to take that kind of view – only positive thoughts no negative. but is that really realistic? if you’re having a bad day…embrace it! figure out why it’s bad and what you need to get through it. don’t pretend everything is okay…it’s f***ing exhausting.

    my inspirinational life-coach lady made a suggestion to me which i love. i could never really get into journaling or blogging, but she suggested i keep a journal and every day write down the positive events for the day – and it could be as simple as “I drank 8 full glasses of water today” and include pictures of happy moments, inspiring moments…so when you have negative days, you can look back on all of the positives and realize getting out of the negative isn’t hard. You are capable of so much.

    anyway. thanks for being real.

  6. Tara, you write such powerful, humbling, inspiring and aspirational words. Thank you for being courageous and for coming back- I’ve only stumbled across you today and I certainly relate to much of this. Keep on it! Mel xx

  7. As always I am so inspired by you. These thoughts on nurturing….and that corner, is what Im striving for, too. Sounds silly but it really is hard to be a creative person and be exposed to EVERYONE ELSE’s creativity online on a daily basis. It’s so easy to lose your voice. Makes me miss childhood and the simplicity of life before the internet/grown up things! Similar thoughts on what it means to be present frequently pass through my head, but it is so wonderful to see your reflections/words written so clearly. It really hit home with me as I feel I am constantly evolving and finding my place/rhythm in the world. I SO appreciate you and your constant evolvement. You express it so clearly and beautifully!

  8. Love this honest share – we all need someone to share their journey like this from time to time to help us validate the bugging questions in our head. Where is the balance? Am I fulfilled? Am I losing touch with reality? You are totally correct in that it will always be something to check in on… so easy to get lost in what is not important.

  9. i’ve unsubscribed from most of the blogs i used to read for these exact reasons. but i kept yours. because when i’m done reading you, i always feel like it was time well spent. reminders of what i love about this ability to share life with complete strangers.
    thank you.
    time to turn off the computer for the day.

  10. I am so, so happy for you T! I have felt myself approaching that corner for a long time, and have been coming to grips with a truth that I think I have to admit is partly depression disguised as apathy. In so many ways I’ve been doing the bare minimum for a long time, and it’s time for a change, but it’s like I still haven’t quite reached that breaking point, much as I want to. Weird, right? But yeah, thank you so much for sharing your road, and for giving me hope. xo

  11. Tara, so many relate so much with this! We’re all going through the same things, but noboday admits it I think. Just wanted to pass along something that’s really helped me – It’s silly, but it works!
    1. I put K-9 web protection on my computers [it’s free.]
    2. I blocked all my favorite, time-suck sites and set my husband as the “administrator” and make him promise not to tell me the password, ha!
    3. For those sites that you must access for working, you can use K-9 to set up blocks of time that allow you to be online, and block the rest of the day. That way, you get stuff done, but your life isn’t sucked away on the stupid internet.

    Hope that helps! [and I am not in anyway affiliated with K-9 btw :)

  12. Tara,

    Absolutely A-MA-ZING! Thank you so much for this post! I am in the middle of what you just described.

    So much to do, no time, scatterbrained, the list goes on and on and on. I feel like I get into a swirling mess of things, with very little to show for it.

    So many things I want to do. So many things I DON’T want to give up! So many things JUST outside my grasp, making me want to work harder, but then also give up at the same time.

    Thank you for reminding me to take the time to do that.

    I am a working full-time mom out of the house, raising two girls, and working on creating a photography career, as well as creating crocheted pieces for people as well. Oh, and try (to no avail so far) to lose weight.

    I think, Damn, am I crazy??!!

  13. thank you for this. i read this last night and can’t stop thinking about the difference between pampering and nurturing. both are “feel-good” words, but i love how re-framing them in this light shows which one will bring lasting joy. thank you for sharing this with all of us.

  14. that took a whole lot of courage and strength to write and share that Tara and I for one (and any more I am sure) am so glad you did. You inspire indeed.

    go you!

  15. Thank you…….I feel we are kindred spirits experiencing some of the same things right now. I am in awe of how well you just articulated your experience. Thank you for helping me with mine : )

  16. You too! I thought I was alone. Beautifully written and it has motivated me to find myself. I had a horrific accident last May and I hope that I can follow your lead. Thank you!

  17. Happy for you that you are finding a place to be centered and take care of yourself in a way you are happy with. We all must continue to work on ourselves, you are not alone. Wishing you peace, hope and strength in your journey. Thank you for including us (me).

  18. I red this blog post once, twice, three times. Somehow it seems like lots of people goes through changes in their life. The deeply needed changes.
    I had a car accident a bit over year ago, with it came some health problems and after the depression came. I got myself a therapist, got some medical treatment and since than i am on my way back to normal, to my new kind of normal. focused on myself, doing what is good for me, do all the ting i wish i would have time to do…
    Thanks for sharing with the world that the deep difficulties or troubles are the chance to change your life to the way you always wanted it to be. We all know it somehow inside of us. But we need to hear it from time to time from someone else. :)

  19. I was so glad to see your post today, it was great to read. I just said to my daughter yesterday that I was thinking about you and your family and hoped that your time away has been restorative. Ive been standing at my corner afraid to turn it….. Been here for a while and dont know how to take the next step. Ill keep inching. Thanks for being as real as you are. SO glad you’re back

  20. I want what your having!!! I love the calmness, your joy your comfortable with being. Its a journey , an ever changing journey.Its about balance and once your aware,yes there will be backward turn days. But like riding a bike, once you’ve learned you never forget. Its a choice forever yours to go back to.Welcome to the better part of your thirties.

  21. so many comments that have said all I wanted to say. But? I just want to say thank you for being so brave. I have been thinking the same things about technology, it can take over your life. I went to a concert last night and so many people were sitting there with their iphones, some were even checking whilst the concert was on. I decided then that I will NOT get an iphone. I have been toying with the idea for some time and now you have helped me make the decision. I think!!! lol. Anyway thanks be sharing and welcome back.

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