paying attention

sheye and krysta. Two gorgeous women that I got to know exactly one year ago. Krysta hired me for a full on girl power photo shoot, to have fun and dress up and be pretty. They brought champagne and antique frocks. I brought my bike, my quilt, my chairs… I am still picking sticks out of my quilt, one year later. It was worth it. I think of them each time I find one. We had followed each others work for years, so it was wonderful to finally meet. I photographed them in a field and we became friends, immediately.

Krysta is from the midwest. Sheye is from Australia. It was a treat to get to see them again this time around. Again, they brought champagne, and I brought a quilt. No one was working. We just wanted a night together.

I may come off constantly as super cheesy, and I guess I am in a way. I am realistically cheesy, okay? I don’t walk around in a naive little bubble of happiness. But, a little about magic. There it is, there it can be, in so many moments of our lives. I don’t want to miss out on any of it. So I pay attention. I wait and watch closely for it. Discovering it gives me the same type of adrenaline rush as scoring a major find at a flea market or garage sale. Only it lasts longer. I talk about it when I see it…when I feel it…because I live for it.

Who doesn’t want to point out a rainbow when they see one?

This night was pure unadulterated magic. A rainbow. I left them at the end of the night, full. Content. Sure of myself. Confident. Relaxed. Blissed out. Feeling amazing. Feeling grateful for their attention and time.

Life tries to take me over with stress from work and discipline and health and cleaning and routine and working on change. I am actually okay with those things, because they are one part of life. My Life. A life I am grateful to have. I am strong enough to handle it. I manage the stress better and better the older I get. But I want a balance. I want the magic mixed in. Like a sprinkle of pink glitter on a term paper.

I do not want the monotony of life to ever overshadow moments like this. I will seek out and make more time for moments like this.

And in between, I will pay attention.



Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.
Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.

-Roald Dahl

post edit: Sheye has posted more photos from our night, you can view them here.

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  1. I love this post and I love your heart. That smile on your face in the top picture is priceless. Thanks for sharing this, and thanks for encouraging all of us to look for the magic and the rainbows and the pink glitter on our term papers. xoxo

  2. I am completely overcome by this blog post. Weepy. You know…balance. I like the idea of the balance being between the ordinary and pink glitter. I am always in search of more pink glitter ;) Lucky me has more than most. You, too, I think ;) love you.

  3. Inspiring words, thank you for the reminder to seek for magic.

    I love this quote…

    “Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he has been robbed. The fact is that most putts don’t drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just like people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, and most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is just like an old time rail journey … delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders, and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride.” Jenkin Loyd Jones

  4. one of the major joys of life is the friendships that you walk away from time spent with an overwhelming sense of calm-i seek that out more in my friendships as i get older-wish i knew that earlier. ;)

  5. you say it so perfectly.
    i feel like so many so much are trying to knock me down.
    i want to be happy and love life.
    and others don’t.
    and there is so much stuff that has to be done everyday running a large family and a business.
    i love the way you share your heart.
    it’s not cheesy to me….it sounds so much like mine.

  6. Just have a question…how do you get your Instax pictures to come out with such great exposure? I recently bought one and I tried to follow the in the sun/shade thing, but the pictures always seem to some out either really dark or really light. Thanks for your time.

  7. Now……I do NOT want to sound cheesy….BUT… the spirit of cheesy….I feel like you are speaking to me. I could not relate more right now in this moment in my life. Mommy to four treasures….I am beyond thankful….BUT totally hear you Tara….BALANCE. It isn’t easy!!!!! xoxo

  8. Like a sprinkle of pink glitter on a term paper – That is how I view your blog :) It breaks up so many of my stressful days trying [really really hard] to be a great mom and run my photography business at the same time. Thanks Tara.

  9. Yay for balance, rainbows & magic! Today after a photo shoot on the river, 25 miles from home, past glowing farmers fields I came upon a flock of circling turkey vultures, viewed first from a distance. As I flew along the highway, closer & closer, I kept glancing over at them, soaring in their circle, not that far above the ground. It was then I saw the flash of white – head and tail – a bald eagle in the mix! I so wanted to stop, but no shoulder on the road anywhere! Thanks for your lovely photos and words. You really do have a great way with both!

  10. good grief i love this post. and i totally know what you mean. sheye has that magical ability to make you feel that way and totally connected, from the word go. i’ll never forget the three days i spent with her, and it’s exactly the sentiments you shared above. such a beautiful post, tara – you are a beautiful person!

  11. I cannot even begin to image the magic that surrounded you all that evening… such talent… such beauty… such warmth that radiates from all of you to people who don’t even “know” you… to people who only get a small glimps through the screen of a computer. What a lovely time you got to pay attenetion to. Thanks for the reminder that this has to be done ♥

  12. So happy that you are lucky to know these two beautiful women. I love your words, you are lucky to have such a positive outlook; I enjoy those preciouos moments too Tara, and if you don’t believe in magic, what else is there to look forward to in life ?

    take care :)

  13. Ok – first off I love this post! Exactly what I needed right now in MY LIFE! That amazing reminder! I THANK YOU! Secondly -I’ve never commented on your blog so I just wanted to say I enjoy it, you and your stories. I check on you often (I didn’t say stalk!) You have such a beautiful family and an incredible talent of photography! Thanks for always sharing!!!

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