home again, home again. jiggity jig.

we are home.

hawaii was good. simple. beautiful. warm. breezy. however, before we could get to that part, our trip was kicked off with a NINE hour delay in LAX when our flight was canceled. YES. CANCELLED. and we had to un-check our bags, and re-check into another flight, and walk to another terminal, where we didnt even have seats together. four children, two adults. one five year old and one who we call autistic because it’s just easier to explain that way even though that isn’t what she is, we kind of need to be together.

i was so upset and so frustrated and so angry about the wasted time, but after having a zesty beverage (or two?) in the airport at chili’s to go (bleck) jeff and i were able to relax. i was shocked he was cooler under the collar than me. i was ready to fight and scream. i hadnt slept hardly two hours the night before (always nervy before traveling) and he was just rolling with it. but it was mckenna that i was most worried about. her first plane ride was already going to be six hours. did we really have to tack nine more onto the misery?

but yes, we did. and we did it as well as can be imagined. and we managed to swing three seats together for us girls. mckenna was totally fine until the four hour mark of the flight. and then she started begging to be in hawaii, begging to be off the plane, spilling drinks, and kicking the seat in front of her and anna couldnt fall asleep unless her feet were sticking mostly into my real estate and up my nose and who whined for two hours until i wanted to jump out and hope for the best.

but, at last, sigh! we land. and we all run to the breezeway outside the gates to get our first smells and feels of hawaii. and it is good. it washes away the airplane.

we high tail it to the north shore where we stay with our lovely friends heather and kivalu, along with their two boys kivalu jr and keenan. we show up at 11pm and we are welcomed into their home with lots of love as usual. we pile into the one bedroom casita and fall asleep hard.

but oh no! the airplane strikes again when we realize the next day that the brand new iPod Nano’s that the boys received for christmas were left.on.the.plane. not to be found in the present or future. to whom it may concern, you there, yes you-the one who found two iPods in the seatback of a plane and didnt turn them into the flight attendants? SHAME ON YOU!

we freak out for about 30 minutes and then shrug it off, we are in hawaii. no feathers get ruffled here!

the rest of our time is spent as relaxed as possible with four kids.

here are just a few favorites from the trip, more to come later, wanted to get this post UP already!


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  1. Serendipity, I call this! Thought to myself, “self, Tara might be back today..” and here you are. I’m not much for travel with kids for that very reason. But I love it – Hawaii washes away the airplane. It’s been 11 years for me…must live vicariously for now.

  2. Tara, I am so glad you had a great trip. I hear you about the flight though! My two year old vomited ALL the way from Sydney to somewhere over the Caspian sea/Afganistan. That is when the service mamanger started talking about landing the plane to get her to medical assistance – over the middle east! I was beside myself! Finally he was authorise by the medical board in the US to give us a Panadol suppository to give to her. The vomiting stopped thank god but we smelt pretty gross when we rocked up to Aberdeen airport to see the rellies. Ahhh travelling. Give me the holiday without the travelling and I would be a happy happy woman. I’m glad your holiday was worth it :) Fran

  3. I think that I would have needed more than a few drinks to center me after that type of an airport experience! Sucks about the ipod nanos too, wonder if it was the flight attendants, aren’t they supposed to check the seatbacks….Anyway, your pictures are beautiful as usual. My favorite is your family shot! I also looooovvvvveee Drew jumping into the water. I have never been to Hawaii but Sarah keeps asking to go. Maybe once she is more portable (no diapers, no naps, fewer temper tantrums) we can go. Thanks for sharing your family with me!

  4. Our family flew to Kauai mid Dec. and had some interesting flight experiences too! (see blog post!) Welcome back to you—that Hawaiian laid-back life is something we are still trying to hang on to, but hard once back on the mainland. Aloha!! Thanks for the pics—always fun to see your family!

  5. I’m glad you’re back. I missed seeing all of your beautiful pictures. I love the one of your son jumping off the rock. I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I can’t wait to see it through your eyes. (I’m sorry about the airplane ride over. I would have been freaking out, too.)

  6. ah…hawaii! my second home. when i was 14 my family went to hawaii for christmas and we had to stay in a hotel room the night before our flight. we had only brought a small carry-on into the hotel and left all of our luggage in our station wagon. we get a call early the next morning and someone had stolen ALL of our luggage from the car plus my school backpack with all my books in it. we were to be gone 3 weeks, so we had A LOT of stuff. my parents were so cool about it and just threw up their hands and said, “oh well, let’s go with the clothes on our back!” you really don’t need much in hawaii. so glad you are back!

  7. Im so glad you are back, I miss your blog entries. My coffee breaks are so empty without them. I love reading about you and the kids and your travels and soaking up your photography.

  8. Tara- SOOO glad you have come back to us. We missed you. ;)
    Thanks for sharing your time on Hawaii. Your family of 6 is beautiful though it always makes me long to add one more to our five.
    (p.s – Sorry to hear there is an iPod-stealing loser out there.)

  9. Welcome Home!!

    Pic are great.Love the family group one!! It looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Especially after surviving delayed flights and lost I pods. I am glad you are home safe and sound.

    Love you and can’t wait to hear more…

  10. Hey, your smooshed face photo looks way better than mine. Show off! :) — Seriously, the photos at alligator pond are magical. Nate walking on water, anna and makenna modeling and drew jumpin off of Mr. Alligator’s head-pure magic. Missing you all.

  11. Glad you’re back and survived! I always approach flying with my kids with the thought that most flights are shorter than childbirth (well my deliveries anyway!!) and I got through that more than once!!! Great photos – look forward to seeing more….

  12. Yeah! You’re home! Yeah! More blog posts, more photos! Yeah!

    After this last trip we took. I promised we would NOT travel until my youngest can read. Fluently. The stares people give you when your kid is having a tantrum! Yikes!

    Glad your back Tara. I’m a long, long time fan!

  13. I love travelling, but I hate planes, airports and filling forms !!!!
    In our last to Salvador, Brasil, my little one, Tomas ( 18 months) cried and walked all over the plane
    during the 5 hours the flight lasted. Fortunately he wasn´t the only child making a mess.
    But I wanted so bad to be on land again !!!!!

    Welcome back !!!!

    Beautiful pics and so sorry for your lost objects…

  14. gorgeous photos! that one of your family is amazing!!!!! i adore iT!!!
    that would have been a great christmas card shot!!! can’t wait to see MORE!

  15. Hi Tara….

    Glad to see you are home, I’ve been checking the blog every day!!

    About the ipods, I had a similar experience with my son’s Nintendo DS, literally, weeks after *he bought it*. He left it in the exact same spot. {man was I pissed lol} I went back to the airline, explained what happened, and made my son pay $25 in overnight shipping to get it back to us, but someone did turn it in. Actually I think the ppl cleaning the plane found it.

    Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe??


  16. So beautiful. I bet the aweful plane ride was worth it. Though people not returning the i-pods is so annoying. Hawaii is the best, my aunt & uncle live in Kauai and I don’t get there often enough. Love the photos as usual, the family shot is great!!

  17. Tara,
    I’d love to know you’re settings on the beach landscape shot. I love it and I can never seem to get one I like. I know I’m doing something wrong! Did you use the 24-70mm? I’m glad you guys had a great time! I know how you feel with the whole plane ride thing. You’re much braver than I. I’m too chicken to go to Hawaii for that reason alone. It’s a nine hour plane ride for us. I’ve always wanted to go, though. Maybe someday…

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