i wish this was me


the hits just keep on coming!
im still dealing with the health issues. various maladies i wont bore you with by listing them here, but lets just say ive had xrays, ultrasounds, urinalysis, bloodwork, throat cultures, and been on five different medications in the last week and all of the dr’s still have big huge question marks in their eyes.
go me!
medical mystery!
i always wanted to be a woman of mystery……….but i digress.

my point is, things just slightly suck around here right now and im doing my best to keep up with the hamster wheel. and when i say around here what i really mean is in my own head. things slightly suck in my own head because ive not been feeling up to par in weeks and i lean towards the “yessireebob” side of dramatic. sometimes. im only dramatic sometimes. like when ive not been feeling good FOR WEEKS.

everything else is actually really good. kids are good. business is good. clients are good. its just me. me not so good.

so since i have nothing interesting really to talk about at the moment, i thought i would copy the pants off of cathy (literally. she has really nice pants. if you havent seen this womans pants you should) and open up to some questions. id prefer them to NOT be photography related, i just want this to be fun and not have to think too hard, but if you are dying to know something go ahead and ask.

i dont sound sick at all do i?

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  1. Okay, question #1: How often do you take pictures of yourself? I have no pictures of myself, except when my son (who is 10 and is a fabulous photographer) takes them of me, which isn’t that often. Can I ask another? Do you ever find yourself having to consciously put down your camera and enjoy the moment? Sometimes I get bogged down in capturing the moment, instead of living it!

    Get Better! I’ve been in your shoes!!

  2. Hi Tara…

    I think you have the best taste in music around. After seeing both Peter Bjorn and John and Mika on your blog, I went and downloaded their cd’s and I love them.

    And since you’ve got such awesome taste in music, I assume you have great taste in movies as well. What are some of your favorites? Do you prefer comeies, dramas, musicals or something completely different?

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. Feeling lousy just stinks.

    Jennifer M.

  3. I wanna know what books you love and where you find your clothes… you’re always so styling… and where you like to buy things for your home?

  4. I hope you start feeling better or at least figure out what is wrong. It always stinks not knowing what is causing all the misery in your body! My question… What do you do to make time for you and your husband? You guys seem to have such a great relationship. How do you make it work?

  5. what parts of yourself do you see in each of your kids (good & bad)? i’ve been thinking about this with my own…it’s interesting & not a little bit scary:)

    thanks for opening up to mostly non photography related questions:)

  6. So, a while back you had a family featured in your “check it” section that had massively downsized to a tiny but oh so cool apartment. I think the title for the link was “I love this house” or something like that. Anyways, question is…where on earth can I find that link? Thanks a mil – hope you are feeling better REALLY soon. Oh, and have you ever been to Colorado?

  7. Sorry things aren’t a bit brighter. Sometimes wouldn’t you just love to jump off the hamster wheel and get away? Which leads me to my question…Where is your fav place to vacation?

  8. So I know this is TOTALLY photography related but I’ll throw it out there anyway. Have you given any more thought to teaching a class? I remember you saying way-back-when that you might consider doing something through BPS – what’s the latest on that?

    Hope you’re on the mend soon. I know how drained I feel when I’m sick with 2 kiddos – can’t imagine doing it with 4!

  9. Hi Tara,

    Doctors, medicine…no fun, no fun at all! I remember an interview you had somewhere online where you said sometimes you wish you were your kids Aunt instead of the mom all the time. Loved it:)

    I remember that quote all the time, because it’s true for alot of us out here and it’s so funny at the same time and it just makes me smile…thanks for that.

    The one thing I really, really admire about your blog and evidently the way you live your life is that you let people know you are real, that things are not perfect, but that they are good alot of the time and that you keep trying. You remind me of the quote: “I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart.”

    Yeah for all of us who try every single day!

  10. Hope you’re feeling better soon! No fun to be sick and have to keep up with everything. My question would be….what’s your favorite dessert? I am craving something sweet right now! :)

  11. my heart goes out to you – its not always easy fighting the noble fight and keeping your chin up all the time. sure its best if you can see the bright side of things. but i dont think there’s anything wrong with taking a moment to feel frustrated and angry – its all part of the human experience. sure, we probably shouldnt dwell (especially if you have 4 awesome kids) but ALL your feelings are real and none shouldnt be denied either.

    I’s love to know when you found your personal style? it seems so well developed and shines thru in everything, your writing, photos, home decor. which of your kids has a similar style?

  12. Hope you are feeling better soon and that the docs figure out what’s going on…My thoughts are with you wishing that you heal back to 100% a.s.a.p.

    I also have to agree with the comments about everything – your house pics, your relationship with your kids & hubbie, how real you are, and one to add – how nice it was to meet you in person! Like we both said – could’ve talked for hours – You are awesome!

    As far as my question – hmmm – What is a typical date night for you and your hubbie?

    And another – if you don’t mind – what are your thoughts when you are decorating your home?

    Also – when you are back on the mend – would love to see more pics of your home :)

    Take care Tara!

  13. Are you a shoes girl, a purse girl, or an earring girl??

    Photography related, but not technical at all… but if you were to do something ‘totally out of the box’ what would it be? I mean, you do families, that is your main focus… but have you always wanted to do rock concerts? Or anything out of the usual realm?

    What is your favorite kool aid flavor?

  14. I love your dress sense, do you spend alot of time shopping, do you mainly shop on the internet? I am asking because I can never find the time to go clothes shopping and I figure you are busy too :)

  15. If you were a cartoon super hotty who would you rather make out with… Superman or Batman?….or other? Thor is sexy…don’t ‘cha think?!?!?!

    Which is your favorite brand of feminine product?

    Have you smiled yet? but seriously..I want answers!!!

  16. I just want to tell you to be strong and hang in there. Pray to the Lord to heal what every is in your body. I was diagnosed with Gallstones about 2years ago and was getting worse and getting sick almost every week with this horrible pains; during that time I started to go to church and was saved. Anyway, to make a long story short. I believe in God so much that I said to myself. If I trust him and believe in him, I believe he can heal me. Guess what 9months now I have been healed. I use to end up in the emergency room many many times and had the ultrasounds where I saw all the stones, went back and no more stones. Prayer is a powerful thing and I will pray for you and I encourage you to pray for healing. On another note, I love your home decor. Have a wonderful weekend. God Bless

  17. I have a four year old girl too. What is your favorite brands of clothes for her? Lindsay loves her Hanna Andersson play dresses and Hanna capris.

  18. sooo missy–my question is: since you are from california have you heard the band Tragedy Andy???!!! and if you havent please check them out: myspace/tragedyandyband.com because you.will.love.them….they are up and coming and totally awesome–let me know whatcha think…

    aaaand hang in there missy…i hope you feel better realllly soon and hope you are getting some help with those kiddos so you can rest!! MWAH!!

  19. How did you end up in Valencia, CA and then in Mission Viejo? I grew up in Saugus, and my parents lived in MV for a number of years, to which I visited! Which area did you enjoy more? And are you originally from either of those places?

  20. tara!
    i am so worried that you have been so sick…..why can’t the dr.’s figure this out! you medical mystery you! i really really hope you are feeling better SOON!!!!!!!


    what is your ideal day? if you could have a whole day to just yourself, without being sick what would you do?

    what is your fave kids store to shop?

    how many scrapbook layouts have you done in 2007?

    get better now!

  21. sorry you’re feelin’ lousy…a cheery book to read is “A Bad Case of Stripes” by David Shannon…I thought of it while reading your post about the drs. poking and prodding.

    My question – what did you think you would be when you were all grown up? (and maybe you’re not all grown up yet!)

  22. So sorry to hear that you are under the weather. It’s really hard when mom is sick since everyone depends on us so much! Hope you are feeling better soon :-)
    Question: favorite internet shopping sites for kids??

  23. Just wanted to give you a “hang in there”…I was sick the entire month of April and still don’t feel 100% so I feel your frustration. I hope nothing too serious is going on and you feel better very soon!!

  24. If you could go anywhere in the world with three of your best girlfriends (no kids and everyone at home was taken care of) where would you go and what would you do? Also, I hope you feel better soon! Shelley

  25. I’ve never posted to your blog but enjoy reading it and your photography inspires me when taking pictures of my 3 boys. You are very talented. As mothers we don’t get “sick days” but I’m glad to hear you are seeing a doc and hope they find out what’s wrong soon.
    I have a suggestion instead of a question and it’s totally not related to photograpy, lol. Have your kids tried “Wario Smooth Moves” for Wii. It’s a great game for the kids…moms and dads too! We have a good time playing it with my boys.
    Hope you are on the up and up soon!

  26. I hope my question isn’t too personal…
    What’s it like having 4 kids? How far apart are they? We have 3 and are thinking about another one… Shhh. So, I’m curious is it crazy? I’m not even caught up on the baby’s scrapbook and I’m thinking about another??? ;-)

  27. Hope you’re soon feeling better…nothing wears you down more than feeling yuck for a long period of time.

    Question for you…compare who you thought you would marry (looks, occupation, etc) to who you did. I always thought I’d marry a tall, blonde who was quiet and bookish. Married a dark and handsome fella who is full of laughs and energy, loves his pinball and isn’t afraid to look silly dressing up to see movies with his kids. Glad someone else had their own idea of who was right for me!!

  28. First love the red club chair – that thing is fab-u-lous!!! :)

    Second, my question: how do you juggle it all? Seriously. You have a successful career, you are a wife and mom of 4, with all sorts of other commitments – how do you do it?

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