blue eyes a bald head and two cute kids

how can you go wrong with that? well, i’ll tell you-you cant! especially when they are up for anything and ready to get crazy. this is todd and shawna and their two sweet kiddos who got to skip school for the shoot.













todd is a camera guy for dateline and good morning america….along with being interested in photography since high school. once again, a connection with my subject always makes for even better connections with my camera.

at one point i asked him, "is there anything crazy you have always wanted to do, but couldnt since you would have had to take the picture ?" and he couldnt think of anything, but asked me, "is there anything YOU’VE always wanted to do but havent yet?" and that is MY KINDA CLIENT! :)

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  1. these (& all of your work) just totally rock. can i ask what lens/lenses you use??? i am looking into getting a new one (or two)…just can’t decide what i want!

  2. I laughed when I got to the one of him in the doorway of the barber shop. LOL That’s great! (My husband is a shaved head baldie, too.) I also thought the necklace the mom had on was perfect for that shot of him nuzzling her ear.

  3. LOVE love LOVE the sense of humor in this shoot!!! The barber shop shot, the lightbulb over his head…LOVE it!!! haahaa, genius, I tell ya!! :-)

    What a beautiful fam..the boy reminds me slightly of Drew!

    GREAT FAb wonderful job Tara!!

  4. these are awesome, awesome, awesome, Tara!! Love the one of the little girl with the pink building behind her and the very last one – how meaningful will that picture be to that little boy as he grows up? Gosh, I wish I had something like that! :) You just ROCK!

  5. I love that pink building as a background for that little girl its perfect.. Love that they all had flip flops too.. teeheee. The silly faces on the jumping shot is great too. The shot with that tree.. awesome what a cool tree.. and what a beautiful and loving family.

  6. great shots, Tara. where do you recommend your clients print the photos after you give them the cd. Your color is so good, I’d be afraid a lab might mess it up.

  7. amazing as always T – something new in every shoot – beautiful family that you can tell has a lot of fun and a lot of love:) and you captured it which is not an easy thing to do.

    miss you….

  8. She has such stunning blue eyes that you really captured here! My favorites lately have been your shots where you have a couple subjects in the foreground and then someone in the back out of focus… those always seem to hold a secret story!

    Thanks as always for sharing your work here. I look forward to seeing what’s new every day. Happy Holidays!!!

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