the golden boy

he is golden. his hair, his skin. his personality. he is the type of person that is just going to get a good life. i think. i hope. he is so dang likeable.

on this day, he rode past me on his bike and i saw the sun in his hair and i yelled,

"nate! get back over here! park yourself right there!" pointing to the spot with my bare foot. drawing an invisible X with my toe.

and he did, because he is just like that. almost always so available for me and my camera.

and this is straight out of camera baby. one shot. blue stained mouth and everything. love it.


and then i remembered something margie said when she was here: "i bet these white garage doors are great reflectors!" when she said it i was like, oh yeah-they are! haha so i used them on nate. (which i am SO going to do over and over now) look at how wonderfully lit his face is. thanks marge!




tech info:
85mm 1.8
AV mode

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  1. he is one good looking likeable boy. i can just tell that from your amazing photography! and the jinky vs. tara thing, YOU BOTH ROCK!!!!!! and i don’t see that much of a similarity to say that anybody copied anybody—–your work is both so individual! and i take photos of feet too….LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR WORK miss t! you amaze me….and that golden haired boy,he is a keeper!

  2. Tara.. wow lets just say your work makes me want to weep.. you bring out a beauty that is so amazing. I think your kids should be modeling for GAP. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.

    Are you using manual mode or automatic?

    LOVE IT… as for the feet. you go girl.

  3. Our house is sage green with dark green trim. I wonder if my husband would mind if I painted our garage doors bright white? We need all the reflected light we can get up here in the great gray North!

    Again, fantastic photos of utterly adorable children, Tara. Sometimes I wonder if my main motivation for having kids was to have more subjects to photograph. Does this guilty thought ever cross your mind, too, when you are having so much fun with your kids and your camera?

  4. I *LOVE* Jinky’s photos….those collage things have made my day :)
    LOVE these photos Tara! I have no clue about how the white is a reflector but I will have to give it a try…..I have a white garage door….not sure it’s facing the right light…..if that even matters….sigh….no clue here!
    He is a living doll……model beautiful and personality to go….you will have the girls banging down your door!

  5. is this double and triple your comment day? :) what is happening?

    sweet pics. tara. such a handsome guy.

    and as for who’s better. i’m sorry that people can’t look at an individual as just that. you are both incredible in alot of the same ways and incredible in so many dif. ways. jeff and i use your ideas, her ideas and so many other peoples ideas for our shoots. it really is a form of flattery. really.

  6. I have been reading your blog for a very long time…thank you for writing! I have been a little shy about commenting. I loved the pink lipstick entry. You are an inspiration to all of us moms out here. Thank you! I have teenagers….and yes they are wonderful. Life is full of ups and downs…it’s great to know there are people like you out there. Thank you for making me smile….often. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful! -and to pay attention to my life…it goes by so fast. : )

  7. i, too, love pictures of feet. 4 1/2 years ago when our third was born our family did a close up of your feet. from my husband who has a 13, me(8), maggie(4), garet(7) and newborn jessie. it is all of the bottoms of our feet and the background is all blurry. it was our xmas card picture that year….lots of fun with feet photos and you cant forget feet with rubberboots.

  8. Oh when oh when will you tell me what lens you are using…oh when oh when will it be??? (sing to the tune of oh where oh where has my little dog gone?)
    BEAUTIFUL photos!

  9. I can’t believe how dang handsome he is! Those big eyes have always melted my heart! Is he really almost 6? I can’t believe it! He is soooo grown up!

  10. I so want to be you….not only do I want to have your photography skills but I want to have a photogenic family just like yours….you are so very talented, that it so makes me want to pick up a camera and learn everything I can!!! Thank you so much for all the inspiration!!

  11. Your son definitely has a magnatism…a way about himself that can be seen even in photographs. I have often noticed it, so was tickled pink when i started reading your blog today.
    Your photos are gorgeous…as always :)

  12. Not sure what you mean Carla (see above) by your comment but you really should clarify yourself and if you don’t have anything nice to say – don’t say anything at all! I’ve had the privelege of having Tara in my home, photographing my family and I’ve never had a more “honest” experience. Tara’s stuff is Tara’s stuff and we all check out HER blog to see what SHE has done lately. If you are interested in Jinky’s stuff, you should check out her blog and leave your comments there…

  13. thanks to everyone! :)
    april-i added the tech information. just for you. :) i will try to remember from now on!

    lisa-thanks for stepping up to take my back. i appreciate that.

    i was kind of hoping carla meant it in a nice way-like “i” am owning it and i am not lying about it. when i read her comment initially, i thought: exactly! but i tried to respond via email and it bounced back to me.

    so carla, care to clarify what you meant?

    or should i start scanning five year old pictures to prove my style?

  14. He is adorable Tara. Your kids are the cutest. And just when I thought my kids were the cutest! :)

    And what the heck is Carla saying? Huh? Yeah, I think clarification is in order. But then you could just move on and not worry about it. You do own the “truth”. And your work is amazing. Don’t give the power away to anyone ok!

  15. witcha on the weird comment, tara. i like to think that people are inherently nice and kind. it really stinks when i am mistaken. hope this isn’t the case.

    just know that so many people love you for YOUR style and recognize it for what it truly is. you rock the casbah!

  16. Tara…I’ve been meaning to comment on your boys. Seems like a good time. EVERY time I see a pic of them I always think, “These are two of the most handsome young boys I’ve ever seen.” They seriously are stunning. They just have this look about them…seem older and with very unique and distinct personalities. Your oldest looks so thoughtful, introspective…even brainy (must be the glasses,ha,ha). Your youngest personality does shine through in photos…a ham it appears, but also thoughtful like his brother. In fact your oldest seriously reminds me of my late brother…toeheaded and with those deep thinking eyes. If I had sons I’d want them to look like yours, especially with Nate’s rad hair. They are both seriously going to be killers with the ladies when they are older. Your phone will be ringing off the hook!

    Great pics…love the light through his hair. I’ve GOT to get me a Canon…my Easyshare just ain’t cuttin it!! I see these type images and when I take them they are always blurry or way off on light and color.

    Btw, did Susan, I think that was her name, REALLY call dibs on the blazer? Awe, shucks, lol.

  17. Great great shot of your little sunshine boy. He’s perfect, has a cute little face and surely will brake a lot of hearts hahaha I bet the girls already love him :)
    T don’t worry you make wonderful photos, I love YOUR work. Well you know what I mean ;)

    Hugs Alette

  18. He has such a sweetness about him. I love how polite and thoughtful he is. You captured all that in these shots.

    Hey, T, my feet shot from almost five years ago of the girls with baby Eliza smells like Minnesota Wild Rice….haaaaaaaa…love your little Nacho feet boy. :)

    You are also very generous to let us post and give our thoughts. You don’t have to do that. So it bugs when someone goes anon like this…so cowardice.


  19. Hey, I for one love your photog talents and your humor.

    You are such a generous and kind soul for sharing such personal thoughts and tidbits of your life. So don’t let the turkeys get ya down. Besides, they’re what’s for dinner come two weeks from now.


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