this is what the sky did tonight




and then it rained.

the air felt heavier tonight. it smelled like it was about to rain. it felt like it was about to rain. the clouds were thick and the sky was orange. it was one of those things that makes you stop and watch. i waited impatiently, because i love the rain. keeping an eye on my patio, watching for tiny rainspots to mark the cement.

the smell of the rain is one of my favorite things ever. the sound of the rain is one of my favorite sounds ever. water brings me peace.

p e a c e.

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  1. the rain has been beautiful here too. we were also lucky enough see a full rainbow while the storm was heading in. watching lightning with the kids…hated it when I was a kid, love it now. the windows are all open; I’m soaking up the smell! I hope it rains tomorrow.

  2. Love those photos T. I’m with you on the sound of rain – I love to hear it on the roof (and I especially love rainy Sunday mornings when you can stay in your jammies and make a big breakfast & hang out!)

    Loved that photo of McKenna & Anna playing too – such a cute conversation.

    As to the stuff you want to use but can’t – your a creative girl – use it in your way! (love that Foofala paper) Those ammo boxes are great for the mini psx stamps too… Have fun with all that!

  3. I love the picture of the hole in the sky. To me that is exactly what Heaven looks like…a little opening in the heavens to greet you when it’s your time. Of course it never looks that way from an airplane but I digress….

    Awesome pics!

  4. the rainbow that sharla speaks of was HUGE.
    we were on the freeway and it started on one sideand ended on the other. the kids absolutely loved it. this is my favorite weather. i was sitting at the computer and suddenly i could smell that it was raining. time to make homemade banana bread mmmmmmmmm tis the season.

  5. What great pictures – love the top one. Was that crazy weather last night or what? The thunder & lightening scared my little one – he hid under the table at dinner… :)

  6. wasn’t it just gorgeous last night! i was out taking photos too. we had three rainbows here in san clemente! :) there was thunder and lightening all night and it was so beautiful. today is a bit humid but it was worth it! ahh..welcome fall!

  7. T-
    Thanks for the photos! I have been out of town. Coming home is always a bummer for the first day or two and today is day two. Had some disappointing news and I am in a funk, who knows why, can’t explain, just am. I open up to your blog for a catch up session and the first thing I see are these photos. So soothing, so calming, so reassuring. Can’t explain how they make me feel other than to say they made me feel better. Thanks!

  8. Those beautiful skies and resulting storm knocked my internet out until just a little while ago!
    Those are such amazing photos T…I missed most of the storm since I was inside taking a cooking class at Williams Sonoma… about soups and stews though, perfect rainy day food. :)

  9. Cool pics T. That thunder and lightning last night were CRAZY COOL! The boys slept through the whole thing but Matt and were cuddled up enjoying it. That storm got really close. You know how you count the thunder from the lightening. It was super CLOSE! I felt like the kid in Poltergeist waiting for the tree to smash through the window and carry me away! :)

  10. WOW such cool shots! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of rain after a long dry spell- that sweet musty smell when the ground is first watered on after it has been sitting waiting. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh one of my favourites- a warm rain!!

  11. 9-20-05 Ohhhh thanks a bunch! For sending that storm north that is…The same beautiful skies came to San Jose and landed just about the time we had the kids at the park after kindergarten! Thunder lightening and BIG raindrops. A few ground strikes and some areas are still without electricity!
    LOVE the rain though…especially when the kids go nuts at the wormies all over the sidewalk!

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