a convertible & pink polka dots

Sarah and Arron, hailing all the way from the United Kingdom. They were roaming California on holiday, celebrating their 7th anniversary.

I love:

that we got to hang out
that they rented a convertible – so iconic
her hair blowing in the wind
their shoes
her freckles
his crooked smile
their comfortable hug in front of grafitti
her blue nails
their beach outfit change (I literally could not take my eyes off her with that bathing suit and headband and pink hoodie – she was radiant!)
how they forgot I was there a lot of the time
her headband – she made it!
that she brought out her camera
their request for photographs by the lifeguard stand, and how they turned out
(doesn’t the vertical shot on the lifeguard stand seem like it could have been their grandparents?)
a girl who is willing to wear a bathing suit on camera

What you may not be able to see is that these two were a bit shy and a bit unsure of how to “act” for the camera, but they let go and trusted me. And I am thankful to them for that. Soon their shy smiles turned authentic and free. It was really lovely bringing them out of their shell.



fiesta hair

We are back from our vacation in sweet Santa Barbara. We took the kids up for the week to show them where “we” started – Jeff and I had our first apartment in Isla Vista while we attended UCSB.

We happened to be visiting during Fiesta Week, which is a celebration of the Spanish heritage in Santa Barbara. Which was also lucky for us, oh lovers of all things Spanish heritage. One of the things that symbolizes the week is this confetti. You can buy eggs full of confetti all over State Street and throw them wherever you want. Confetti is EVERYWHERE. One shopkeeper told me they would be sweeping up confetti until Christmas, but with a smile on her face. There are tons of people walking around with confetti in their hair. Which I just thought was oh so charming and couldn’t pass the chance to have some in my own.

I’ll be sharing more from our trip, but first I will be taking a small break from personal images to share some recent work with you.


Love love.
