recipe for mashed potato bacon pizza aka slice of carb coma

Last night I posted this to Twitter:

And then got a flood of replies wanting to know how I made it. So here we go.

First up, this is a pizza I first tasted at URBN Coal Fired Pizza in Vista, CA. Fortunately for my obsessive self, Vista is thirty minutes away, so this pizza is not easy for me shove into my face. HOWEVER that has all changed now that I tried to re-create it myself. (Shoot!) (Sarcasm.)

I have made my own dough in the past. My favorite recipes are here and here.
This time I made it easy on myself and bought the ready to go pizza dough from Trader Joe’s.
Wheat, to make me feel kind of better for the carb coma.
It was good. No complaints from the peanut gallery.

I recently learned how to make a pretty darn delicious white sauce for pasta. You can add different spices and cheeses to make it your “own”.
This is how I made ours:

4 large garlic cloves mashed up in the best garlic tool in the entire world, this.
(I have gotten one of those for almost everyone I know who loves to cook. It is that good.)
1/2 large yellow onion, diced
2 tbs olive oil
1/4 cup flour
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
2 ounces parmesan cheese, shredded
salt and pepper to taste

Drizzle olive oil into sauce pan. Wait for it to heat. Add onion, cook for 5-7 minutes or until soft and starting to brown. Stir in the garlic and salt/pepper; cook until it smells yummy, about 30 seconds. Add the flour, and cook, stirring constantly, for about 1 minute. (If it’s too dry, add a tiny bit more olive oil) Slowly wisk in the chicken broth and cream. Bring to a simmer, wisking often. Add parmesan cheese, stirring/wisking constantly for a few minutes. Take off heat and let sit.

(I recently made this with chicken for a chicken alfredo. After adding the broth, cream, and cheese – you add in cubed uncooked chicken and let it cook for 8-10 minutes. Omg. TDF.)

Make mashed potatoes to your liking.
Pre-cook bacon slightly. (I did it in the microwave for a few minutes)
*URBN uses pancetta, but I didn’t have that on hand.
Shredded mozzarella
Shredded parmesan

Follow directions for dough. Once it is rolled out, spoon on the white sauce. I made sure my dough was covered nicely but you don’t want to drown it in sauce.
Put a nice layer of mashed potatoes. (You can’t really mess this up, but fiddle with the amount until you get it how you like it.)
Cut bacon into large pieces and throw on top.
Add a nice layer of mozzarella cheese (again to your liking)
Add a sprinkle of parmesan
Salt and pepper

You want to cook the dough according to the directions.
Keep an eye on the toppings to make sure they aren’t getting overcooked.
(I cooked at 450 for 10-15 minutes)
Once the dough is nice and cooked through, turn on the broiler and leave the pizza underneath until the bacon and cheese are good and crispy.
Slide it onto a nice big cutting board and use your kitchen shears or a pizza cutter to get it ready for sharing. (If you can manage to.)

Oh wait, that’s just what I did. You can try to be more civilized if you wish.



butterfly beach in santa barbara v.1

While we were in Santa Barbara this summer, I worked with two sisters, and photographed them at “their” special beach spot. Each of their families was so different. One had three boys, one had three girls. One traveled from Georgia, one traveled from Texas. I photographed them back to back. This sister was first.

They requested the sweet, sexy images at the end…actually HE requested, and she was totally game for, which I thought was equal parts awesome and adorable. Adorable that he wanted to get shots like this and awesome that he was willing to do it on a public beach. I love that spontaneous abandon! I mean, who doesn’t want images like that with the one they are madly deeply? But who is brave enough to do it? He was proud of her and them and wanted to go for it to celebrate their time together.

I also got to live out the fantasy of my high school self who was obsessed and whose bedroom was plastered with black and white posters of two people in love. Like this and this. Maybe everything I shoot is living out that girls’ fantasy….maybe I just got some interesting insight!

So, that was fun.

I pretty much fell pretty hard for these guys, and the ones I will share tomorrow.

And GAH, that clean Santa Barbara light…..


crisis averted

I rarely show so much black and white but I am kind of obsessed with it on this family.

Funny story – they were traveling in a huge RV down the coast of CA, and we were meeting on the Balboa peninsula for their session. Well, when they arrived into town, there was no more room at the inn – NOWHERE to park their RV. The parking lots were packed and if you know the area you know the streets are teeny tiny. We were on the verge of getting stressed out and changing our plans when Erin, (mom), decided to try working her magic on the owner of a liquor store. Whatever she did worked because he let them park in his tiny lot for about two hours. PHEW. Crisis averted. Thank you liquor store guy.

PS – In case you didn’t know, freckles in black and white are EVERYTHING. That’s all.