listen \ john mayer

I am an architect
Of days that haven’t happened yet

I can’t believe a month is all it’s been
You know my paper heart
The one I fill with pencil marks
I think I might have gone and inked you in

Little by little
Inch by inch
We built a yard with a garden in the middle of it
It ain’t much
But it’s a start

You got me swaying right along
To the song in your heart
And a face to call home
A face to call home
You got a face to call home

It’s so good you didn’t see
The nervous wreck I used to be
I never thought a man could feel so small
You never look at me
Like I’m a liability
I bet you never think I’ve been at all

-Face to Call Home, John Mayer

Close your eyes and clone yourself
Build your heart an army

To defend your innocence
While you do everything wrong

Don’t be scared to walk alone
Don’t be scared to like it

There’s no time that you must be home
So sleep where darkness falls

Alive in the age of worry
Smile in the age of worry
Go wild in the age of worry
And say worry, why should I care?

No your fight is not with them
Yours is with your time here
Dream your dreams but don’t pretend
Make friends with what you are

Give your heart then change your mind
You’re allowed to do it
Cause God knows it’s been done to you
And somehow you got through it

-Age of Worry, John Mayer

Admittedly, John Mayer is kind of a kook. I can’t quite put my finger on whether I think it’s all an act. However…

I listened to Room For Squares on repeat. At the time, I had three tiny children, lived in Valencia, owned a double stroller, was just starting on my path towards photography, and lived at the play area in the mall. I know every word to every song on that album. The CD didn’t leave my car stereo for a long time. It reminds me of that hazy part of my life so much…literally takes me right back. (Your body is a wonderland was where I drew the line, however.) When Continuum came out, I just felt like, nope. I was kind of over John Mayer.

When his newest release Born and Raised came out last week, I wasn’t at all excited about it. But I took a listen and I was grabbed all over again. It is always so cool when a musician is going through something similar to me. There are so many lyrics in this album that make me say, YES! YES TO THAT. Super convenient to find something to listen to that makes you think or connect. Music gets me through the day, every day – so when an album or song comes out that I can relate to, I hold on. It helps me through.

This is one of those albums.

Born and Raised on Amazon


I have a new project on Instagram with the hashtag: #morningyard. It came about because of my morning ritual.

Each morning after the hustle of getting the kids out the door to their four different schools, I give myself a big deep exhale of a moment on my patio. I make my smoothie (or coffee on weekends) and hop into that lovely rattan rocker and tip my head back. I hear the gentle drone of cars on a nearby street and the birds in the trees. I feel the breeze on my skin. I look up and watch the leaves move. I walk around and check on all of my babies plants, pruning and watering as needed. I get damp grass stuck to my toes. I get dirt under my nails. I fill up my senses, which in turn fills up my energy tank and centers me.

This has become my thinking spot.

I have been improving this space for the last five months. Prior to that, it was neglected and avoided for years. My kids trashed it in their toddler-hoods and I didn’t bother to care. As they grew out of the wrecking phase, all I could see was what was wrong with it. After changing my attitude, this was one of the first things I worked on. Slow and steady, with a small non budget, I first cleaned everything out – adios broken toys from 2004! I hunted for planters and extra seating at garage sales and flea markets. I made do with what we had. I made the decision to go almost strictly with succulents as potted landscape because they are drought tolerant and sturdy, not wussy annuals I would have to change out or water regularly. I knew I wanted to set things up simply, to be sustained easily by me even on my busiest week. These small steps have entirely changed our yard and given us an entirely new room to spend time in. I could have NEVER imagined when I set out to spruce up the patio, what it would come to mean to me.

We have large (expensive) issues that need to be addressed – shoddy sprinkler patterns, leveling/grading, no shade, dying grass, ugly landscaping.

So, I have big plans. We want to lay out an entirely new sprinkler system, build a patio cover, build garden beds, set up our compost bin, and create another seating area where we currently have grass, in order to open the patio up as an outdoor dining room. That way we don’t have to waste water on grass, and we get even MORE living space. All of the ground cover on our slope will get ripped out to make room for a natural California coastal/desert landscape. I also need to figure out what to do with that big empty wall space above the loveseat. I’m thinking vintage California flag? Hanging geranium pots? Feel free to share your ideas with me, that big open wall is driving me crazy.

Which leads me back to #morningyard. Objective: I take a photo every morning of something that inspires me from my yard that morning. The challenge is to keep it fresh and unique in the limited space. And then I Instagram the crap out of it while lounging in the rattan rocker. And then I guzzle my green smoothie, and scroll through my feed, and love, just utterly LOVE connecting and being inspired by my friends in that way.

May mornings are dewy and cold and overcast…I know it is time to go inside when the sun starts burning through the clouds.


PS: (You can follow me on Instagram under: tarawhitney.) (If you aren’t able to, you can also see them uploaded on i don’t want to forget a thing.)

San Francisco in July

(I have realized I am crazy to throw this together so fast, so have postponed to July.)

This is kind of last minute, but I am spreading the word about a possible trip to San Francisco in June. If you were on my interest list, I already sent you an email.

Email me at tara at tara whitney dot com for details.

Hope I get to see you there,
