listen \ dry the river

We’re wise beyond our years,
But we’re good at bad ideas, my love.
Or so it seems to be.

Shine a little light,
Don’t wrestle with the night,
Don’t think about the future now.
I know it’s gotta stop love but I don’t know how.

This band is new to me. Thoughtful and melancholy and so of course I love it.

Melancholy is probably my favorite genre, really.

You were a low moon, steady with wintry calm.
Somewhere inside the fire of your youth went dark.

But you swear blind there is no weight in the water pail.
You say “My love, you take the cards that you’re dealt.
Cause there’s no guiding light arching a line to Bethlehem.
If it’s dark outside you light the fire yourself.”

Cause we’ve been through worse than this before we could talk.
The trick of it is, don’t be afraid any more.

These lyrics stand out to me, hit me right in the heart, HARD. This song is hauntingly beautiful.
An anthem for those of us who were adults from before we could talk.

I also like what NPR had to say in the video comments for this clip:

“Dry the River typically writes music with big, cathartic climaxes in mind: Songs on the band’s first full-length album, Shallow Bed, tend to start with miniaturized melodies that eventually burst into thunderous rock anthems. But on this particular morning, Dry the River arrived in a more intimate formation, swapping electric guitars for acoustics and its full drum set for a single snare. While this performance of the gorgeous “Bible Belt” eases back on the loudness of the original, the band by no means lacks power. The result is a hushed, stirring performance that highlights the band’s many strengths — an all-too-brief oasis of calm, sandwiched by the din of guitar feedback.”

Dry the River on Amazon


Dallas, TX | Room service pancakes & a trolley

On my last day, I woke up and packed up my things, checked out of the hotel, and started saying my goodbyes to Texas as I drove to downtown Dallas. These awesome Houston-ites had traveled to Dallas, booked a night at the W hotel, AND booked a trolley ride for the session. Our very own trolley ride. I was SO impressed with Wendi’s planning and so excited to photograph them in their room. The W hotel always has something amazing up it’s sleeve.

Side note : Wendi had emailed me as soon as I announced that I was heading to Dallas, and told me that she had just shaved her head for St. Baldricks (breast cancer awareness). We decided she could rock a shaved head – and SHE SO DID. I am so impressed with her for this reason.

As soon as I met them I knew we would have a high energy, high personality session, and I jumped right into it. They were still very snuggly in their pajamas and had ordered room service pancakes which had arrived just before me. After I photographed them in their room it was time for a quick change and drive over to the trolley car for a tour around the city. I have been obsessed with trolley’s since my youth, when I fell in love with them in San Francisco. So this was an extra special treat for me.

It was really just a great way for me to end the trip, on a relaxing trolley ride with a really cool and funny group of people to get to know.

This weekend was so good for me in so many ways, and I look forward to doing more.


Planning a San Francisco trip mid July, email me for details!