Sometimes I feel off kilter, anxious, or really empty as the sun goes down. Going for a sunset walk recharges and soothes me because I get out of my head and I stop thinking and I let my senses fill up with it all. Walking, hearing birds and my heart beat, feeling my feet hit the pavement, being surrounded by pink sky. The best time of day to be alive, in my opinion. I lose that option Fall – Winter, when it gets dark at dinner time, and I watch the day end from the window over the kitchen sink.

But (hallelujiah) now that the days stretch into bedtime we have this special extra block of time after dinner to enjoy the buttery sun. To avoid the grumps, to leech out another second of day before we sleep and start again.


You Are My Wild friends, look at the others’ Week 10 submissions here.



i love you forever and ever \ double exposures

Double exposures are really firing me up lately. And this session inspired me to PLAY. ( I created these in Photoshop. )

I have also experimented with this technique in my personal work on film. Can’t wait to see how those turn out.



Nikon One Touch \ expired Kodak bw c41

It’s Tuesday and that means it’s Wild day, my favorite day of the week after Saturday. You can see the rest of the work and which image I chose out of this set over here on You Are My Wild. If you are like, huh? Read this.

Back story – I was testing out an old camera and old film at our favorite beach. My 93 year old Uncle Leonard gave me his Nikon One Touch on Thanksgiving and I had a handful of Kodak color and BW c41 from, like, 2001. I sent in nine rolls to be scanned and I have to say, I am completely psyched. A lot of it was a little under and a little grainy, so I am still fumbling a bit, but I feel like I was just electrocuted and I can’t stop obsessing about cameras, films, scans. (I spoke about why I moved back to film in this post, to give you even more back story.)
