he is the poster child for a big brother


he is such a cool kid. he was pushing anna on the swing and making her laugh-letting her swing hit him and falling down (hard) on the ground. she was cracking up and so was i and so was the mom that sat watching from the bench with her baby.

when he left to go play basketball, it was apparent from how anna reacted while i pushed her that drew is oh so much funner than me.

pink and brown

i was very happy inside when i walked up to this family. pink and brown and sooooo stinking cute.

the kids are 8, 6, and 4 and total cheeseballs. they were bigtime hamming it up for me. i think i cracked ’em though-and got them to relax and just smile at me when they wanted to. they were so fun.

mom commented to me that she thought her son looked a lot like drew, and i didnt see it until she said something and then, man-i totally saw it. in a really weird way. they could be brothers. and her youngest daughter reminded me so much of anna in her personality and her look.

anyway, i had a ton of favorites from this session. a ton. here are a few and then of course the album will be below.




album here

tech info:
entire session shot with my 85mm at 1.8,
and 4.0 for the group shots.
AV mode
cloudy afternoon at the beach