another family with a pirate shirt

in one week i had two sessions that were oddly similar.

a family of five. with an older boy, a middle girl, and a baby. and both of the older boys wore pirate shirts. at the same location.

these are “the rin-rins”, and leading up to the session as mom and i exchanged emails i knew that it was going to be a fun one. the weather wasnt the best for a morning beach session-quite cloudy and cool actually-and coming from the pacific north they were hoping for something a bit more sunny and shiny but we made it work.

this is a family shot where i just think everything works. its perfect. a new favorite.









dad reminds me of peter pan here-which is fitting since he has a peter pan tattoo on his calf.

my favorite…


7 year old at my favorite place making me do my favorite thing.


this was taken last week with mrs. mcgarvey’s camera in oceanside. i love summer because i get to see her so much. during the year we are both so busy-running around in crazy directions with school and practices and meetings and life in general. summertime we get to soak up each other and the sun while at the pool and the beach. love her.

and by the way, i think this is my most favorite-ist beach photo i have ever taken. which is a big order to fill since ive taken literally MILLIONS. i saw him floating with his toes up and ran to the shorebreak to get some shots with lisa’s camera around my neck. mine, safe at home from sand and sand covered children for once.

summer to me is: kids at the beach and smiling, catching sandcrabs, boogie boarding for hours, getting salty, taking naps under two towels, friends who bring snacks and drinks and an extra chair for you, and damp sandy rides home with your new mix cd blaring in your ears. and then a warm bath. thats my definition of a perfect day.

thought this was important enough to share here

Google has implemented a new feature which enables you to type a telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and you will be given the person’s name and address. If you then hit MapQuest, you will get a
map to the person’s house. Everyone should be aware of this! It’s a nationwide reverse telephone book.

If a child gives out his/her phone number, someone can now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious, and alarming.

Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked. I tried my number and it came up along with the mapquest and directions straight to our house. I did fill out the removal form for myself, and encourage all of you to do the same. Quite scary.

Please look up your own number.

In order to test whether your phone number is mapped, go to: Type your phone number in the search bar (i.e. 555-555-1212) and hit enter. If you want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private information, simply click on your telephone number and then click on the Removal Form. Removal takes 48-hours.

Check your own number and although this may not apply to you if you have an unlisted number or cell phone as primary contact, but you may know someone who needs to know this.