my favorite…


7 year old at my favorite place making me do my favorite thing.


this was taken last week with mrs. mcgarvey’s camera in oceanside. i love summer because i get to see her so much. during the year we are both so busy-running around in crazy directions with school and practices and meetings and life in general. summertime we get to soak up each other and the sun while at the pool and the beach. love her.

and by the way, i think this is my most favorite-ist beach photo i have ever taken. which is a big order to fill since ive taken literally MILLIONS. i saw him floating with his toes up and ran to the shorebreak to get some shots with lisa’s camera around my neck. mine, safe at home from sand and sand covered children for once.

summer to me is: kids at the beach and smiling, catching sandcrabs, boogie boarding for hours, getting salty, taking naps under two towels, friends who bring snacks and drinks and an extra chair for you, and damp sandy rides home with your new mix cd blaring in your ears. and then a warm bath. thats my definition of a perfect day.

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  1. love that picture–such joy on his face! now I want to go to the beach!
    and thanks for the google info–with 3 kids who might give out their phone number I find that SCARY!
    have a great week!

  2. I looooove me so beach photos! Your perfect day is indeed my perfect day too. We just returned from a week’s vacation at the beach and I spent a many an hour doing just taht!

    I was wondering . . . could you tell us how in the world you keep from ruining your camera at the beach?? I can handle it fine for a shoot, but when I’m there with my kid it seems impossible!

  3. LOVE your blog BTW!!!!!!
    please tell me how do you take a nap under 2 towels, please include pic if necessary. I love all the things you do too (and am doign them as well) but this one??? Am i missing out???

  4. Thanks for the 411 on the Google Phonebook thing (your last post), I had no idea! Kinda creepy. I have forwarded this to all my friends.

  5. Hey Tara…you probably get asked this so many times but I had a look through you q&a’s etc and I couldn’t find it so I thought I’d ask again :) What camera & lense do you use?


  6. Thanks so much for the Google phone number/map info. Our number popped right up with a detailed map! With two little kids at home, that’s scary! I have been officially removed! :-)

    Great beach photo!!

  7. Awesome pic!
    LOVE It!

    Thank you also for the Google phone # info…Even though we don’t have any kids (yet) – I don’t like having a map to my house easily available just by knowing my phone #…

    You rock!

  8. That is the perfect day for our crazy family! Right down to the music blaring on the damp, sandy ride home [because I being the kind of mom I am, never manage to bring clean dry clothes to change into for the petites but they never seem to care!] thanks for putting it into words.


  9. well…i can almost relate – except for the salty part – as i love to take my kids swimming in lake erie or up north in a myrriad of cold lakes when cottaging or camping….you forgot my favourite part though – eating a lovely cold piece of fruit from the cooler – preferably a peach – ‘caus you can let the juices run all down your arm and chin and just jump in the water to get cleaned up!

  10. well…i can almost relate – except for the salty part – as i love to take my kids swimming in lake erie or up north in a myrriad of cold lakes when cottaging or camping….you forgot my favourite part though – eating a lovely cold piece of fruit from the cooler – preferably a peach – ‘caus you can let the juices run all down your arm and chin and just jump in the water to get cleaned up!

  11. Love the pic….

    and that “perfect” summer day, sounds GRAND! I miss the beach so much and love seeing your beach shots year round…I’m heading to Hawaii in less than 2 weeks, to spend 2 weeks with family, and to see my mom and Bruce who I haven’t seen in 3 years, they haven’t seen their only grandchild in 3 years, so someone will get spoiled, and I will get to go to the beach and maybe my perfect summer day will go somewhat like you posted. ;)

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