Yindi Willow


this was taken today in emily’s backyard. we did a quick quick quick couple of shots before little miss was ready for a feed. i just love her so much. i love snuggling on her. i feel so connected to her. i miss her when i havent seen her in a few days! i honestly think this is my most favorite photo in the entire world at this moment. the way the ivy is framing the stump is just magical. she looks like a little woodland fairy all snuggled up and waiting for someone to come along and love her.


and one emily shot of me with the girls…auntie tara!


fun to have a baby to model for me whenever i want.

okay friends-about the hair and brows-THANK YOU! i really appreciate the hot/cute/feminine comments because ive been feeling anything BUT the last few months. i really need to get it on – and start dieting and exercising. im so unhappy with the weight ive put on in the last two years. it will happen when it happens, i know. but i felt pretty yesterday reading all of your sweet comments and i appreciate it SO MUCH!

as for my brows-i am blessed/cursed with huge brows. like brooke shield crossed with a muppet. not good. it is really hard for me to keep them groomed properly. but i have a girl that you have got to go to if you live in the LA area or the valley. she works at the allen edwards salon in encino and her name is mandy. she does THE BEST JOB ever. and ive had a lot of brow work done in my life! i wish she lived closer. if you go see her, please tell her i sent you. it will make her happy. :)



so my hair.
growing it out.
trying to at least.
i eventually want it down between my shoulder blades and curly. big loose curls that alexis (who does my hair) has hope that my hair will give me naturally once its long enough to weigh its curliness down. that was the most screwed up sentence but im leaving it.

so anyway, today i said bangs. tomorrow i might regret it. anytime i sweat i will regret it. bangs have this lovely flattering way of going limp and curly when my sweat glands even have a remote passing second of a thought that they might want to produce something.

oh and yes-i did mistakenly write that sweet little ellery below was a baby boy. i was rushing and wasnt thinking. she is absolutely a girl-a girl with ruffles and a white eyelet sweater and a sweet little smile even in the cold.