friendly halloween reminder

if you are anything like me – you suddenly find yourself blustering around a week before halloween with not a costume in sight except for last years outgrown, overworn favorites.

this year i decided to be ahead of the game. (well, jeff reminded me of what usually happens and forced me to purchase now-online. thank god for jeff.)

so saturday we all piled around the computer and went here: brands online

the boys picked out this and this, anna wanted to be a “girl ninja” so this is what fit the bill, and mckenna, true to form picked this, her fourth or fifth boy themed costume.

they came yesterday-so fast! the kids were so thrilled and so am i-no last minute run to target only to find a disappointing selection and disappointed kids.

so procrastinating moms unite! gather the kids around the computer after homework is done or after dinner and pick out some costumes.

i checked something off my list before it was even ON THE LIST.

i think thats how jeff lives his whole life.

“the files are IN the computer.”

yesterday, as jeff, drew, anna, and i writhed in pain on my bed comparing all the different ways we would rather die than how it appeared to be unfolding in front of us and mckenna watched a movie at our feet, nathan decided to to some shopping online.

he went to a pokemon website where you can buy individual cards for like $.38 a piece and he had ten dollars saved up from allowance. he wanted to spend half and save half (he and drew are saving up to buy a used xbox) so he put about eight cards in his shopping cart and asked me if he could buy them. i said, “sure babe-put what you want in the shopping cart and ill take care of it when im feeling a little better.”

next thing i know, he is coming back from his bedroom with his little clear pencil box full of CHANGE, heading towards the computer! he sat down and started counting his money when i noticed what was happening.

hardly able to contain my giggling i asked him what he was doing.

“well.” he said, waving his hand and tilting his head just like nathan does, “its $5.09.”

i wish i would have waited to see what he would do with the money…i dont know…feed it into the cd slot? i burst out laughing and told him you couldnt pay with real money, i had to use the credit card and he could pay me back.

he turned beet red and tried to hide behind the computer chair. i convinced him what a great story this will be to tell the girl of his dreams someday…the day he tried to shop online with the spare change he finds behind the couch.

a slice of humor in an otherwise rotten day.

earlier in the day i went in to the dr to find out my oxygen level was at 78% and they immediately did two breathing treatments. and i was right about the sinus infection. so yesterday and today ive been keeping an asthma attack at bay while helping my much sicker family members as much as i can.

today does seem better-anna and jeff appear to be on the mend and drew was able to go back to school. thanks for the get well wishes!

surely, SURELY i wont get the flu after all of this.

just kill me now

while i was in NY, two of the kids got the flu. they were home all last week getting better. today, those two are back in school and the other two are sick on my bed. along with jeff.

this was not a good weekend. we had to cancel so many things we had planned. im so sorry everyone!

while i dont have the flu (YET?!) i have some strain of cold that has closed up all of the holes i use to breathe. i thought i was coming down with the flu friday night/saturday morning…thank goodness it turned out to be what i think is a sinus infection. but-i will probably get the flu anyway-thats what happens in our house.

illness spreads like a california wildfire.
be back when i feel like sitting up.