just kill me now

while i was in NY, two of the kids got the flu. they were home all last week getting better. today, those two are back in school and the other two are sick on my bed. along with jeff.

this was not a good weekend. we had to cancel so many things we had planned. im so sorry everyone!

while i dont have the flu (YET?!) i have some strain of cold that has closed up all of the holes i use to breathe. i thought i was coming down with the flu friday night/saturday morning…thank goodness it turned out to be what i think is a sinus infection. but-i will probably get the flu anyway-thats what happens in our house.

illness spreads like a california wildfire.
be back when i feel like sitting up.

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  1. Hope you & the family are back to 100% a.s.a.p. I second the Airborne – it seems to work. I get sick all of the time and John never does…lately when I’ve been feeling like I’m getting sick – I’ve been taking the Airborne and I haven’t gotten sick or it has at least lessened the symptoms! Hope you are better soon! HUGS! :)

  2. I totally feel for you. I only have three kids, but when one is sick I know I am in for it for a couple of weeks. Sometimes I even consider deliberatly infecting everyone when the first one gets sick. That way we are all sick at once instead of dragging it out. LOL!

  3. I take capsuled Turmeric when my sinuses are blocked up (they sell it at the health food store). In India they use it as medicine and it works wonders for me!

    Good luck. I know how crappy a household full of sickies is.

  4. Ok, you might be skeptical BUT let me tell you I have not been sick for 2 or 3 years. As soon as you feel youself getting sick you take Olive Leaf Extract. You can get this at any health food store. it comes in Capsules. I swear by it. My sister (an RN and into holistic medecine) recommended it to me and my whole family has at one time or other brought home illness and I have yet to catch any. It directly fights virus’s. RUN to GNC or the Vitamine Shoppe and get some. You wont be sorry I promise.


    Katie (A long time fan of yours). :)

  5. I know how that feels and it seems like when dad and the others are sick, the world is ending, but when mom is sick, life has to go on and mom just keeps on going! Take care and try and get lots of rest!

  6. Oooooooooo, take good care of yourself. That cold/flu crud is making the rounds here – I got it first though ;o) I hope everyone is feeling better soon. Love your blog, Tara. I check in regularly – I just never post. I am such a lurker. Blessings to you all.

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