
“here mom, read the decorations.”

said anna, throwing a slip of paper at me that listed two steps of instructions on how to work a happy meal toy.

“oh my gosh that is so sad.”

said nathan tonight during the scene in kid nation where they decided to kill the chickens. only he said it while eating chicken. nuggets. which i guess, in reality, isnt actually chicken. ew.

im sick so they got crap for dinner.

would you rather

be able to fly?

or breathe underwater?

i was wondering this tonight.

a lot of you have the same internal dialogue i do about it. ive always said, if i could have one superpower it would be to fly. but then there is also the ability to transport yourself somewhere in seconds, clean up the house with the wiggle of a nose, eat and not gain weight, grow a money tree, be a fly on a wall, and breathe underwater.

decisions, decisions.