stream of consciousness

good day
woke up, didnt want to
made coffee
that helped
i dont drink coffee very often
so when i do
it really works

went to the beach this morning
i am itching to move closer
even though i know it wont happen
and we are in a good place
and we cant afford a big enough place within walking distance
but that is my total total dream

last photo session of the year
baby planner (second session)
love the family
sweet little six month old at the beach
it was a motivating session
inspiring and fun

put my hair in messy buns
i felt so cute-havent felt cute in awhile
had a ton of energy today
lots of smiles and laughs between me and the kids
took the boys surprise gatorades after school during kids factory
(after school supervised playtime)

put anna in her new skinny jeans
marveled at how adorable her little buns and skinny legs looked in them

walked around my house with a blind eye to the disaster
knowing all things come in time
and i just need to finish up a few more sessions and get a few more orders out the door before im on vacation
the target bags still unpacked on the kitchen table
and a bag of tortilla chips anna dropped on the floor and then mckenna spilled and then the boys stepped on

listened to my new 60gb ipod classic that was handed down to me by my uncle
so friggin happy to have ALL of my music on that thing
and still have 40gb left
we listened to freebird like seventy five times today
no, not really
because that would mean we listened to music for like 750 minutes
but it was something like that

we went out to dinner
and mckenna did pretty well
as long as she got her noodles first
which i made sure she did
and the waiter even brought her another dr. pepper
because she thought the one she got was cherry coke
but it was really dr. pepper
so she got two

and i asked drew, “does it matter to you that i dont have any more photo shoots this year?”
and he said “yes. if you get off the computer maybe you will take us to the beach.”
and he knew he was being cheeky
and he laughed


see? messy buns
so like i said
it was a really nice day
hope yours was too.

san francisco: golden gate park


color or bw? i cant decide which i like better…


there are two little boys in this great little family who happen to be twins, and also happen to have autism. they are also little brothers to a beautiful and sociable big sister. so fun to chat with. and sons to a mom and dad who are totally into each other still. i had a really nice time letting them guide me around, stealing little moments of their time at the park. it was a beautiful day.




their mom lisa told me that “as long as they held hands she knew they wouldnt get lost. they always stay together.”



swing shots-always my favorite. i had a feeling they would love the swings. :)



san francisco: exploratorium

its the most contagious time of the year…….
i have an ear infection and strep throat. got medicine today so i should start feeling better. thank you jeff for doing the kid school run this mornin’ for your sickly wife.

no photos were taken on thanksgiving. my camera just didnt feel like coming out to play. im not super bummed about missing photos of turkey, but i am super bummed that my annual “photo shoot in my moms back ditch” didnt happen.

onto the photos.
older aged kids, which was fun for me-usually i get littles.
cool family dynamic.
great location.




“who has the stinkiest feet?”