so, this place has been boring lately (stretch and yawn…)


just hung that little chalkboard up in my bathroom. i walk past this doorway about a thousand trillion times everyday so i figured it would be a fun little place to put an inspirational message. i think the next one is going to say for a good time, call mckenna 867-5309 or maybe just step away from the ledge lady, step away from the ledge.

i found that little chalkboard at a flea market, and had to repaint it with chalkboard paint (good thing i had that on hand) in order to actually use chalk on it.

little accomplishments like that make me really proud of myself.

kind of referencing this post, im still puttering around my house making things pretty and sweet. this is my view when i walk in my front door now. well, kind of, if you walked in, turned right, and sat down on the ground.


and i cant tell you how many kinds of happy this room makes me.

this room is a work in progress. couch-free hand me down. blue table-lucky antique SCORE. red leather chair-awesome AS IS costco purchase. until we can afford the real deal of what i want in here, this will do just rightly.

but please do know, i cleaned up for this picture.
and please do know, that i have no desire to perpetuate the myth that a room in my house looks like a catalog all day everyday. or SHOULD. no, i think a house should be sweet, neat, pretty, and LIVED IN.