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  1. Yes we CAN spout empty rhetoric. Yes we CAN speak like a Southern Baptist minister. Yes we CAN hope that people compare me to MLK. Yes we CAN run an election on little ideology… yes we can yes we can.

    If this country heads where he wants it to head, I’m sad and scared for my children and grandchildren.

    I do agree with one thing you said – go VOTE.

  2. Yes We Can. Si Se Puede. How inspiring, that a pandering vacuity can win elections solely because of the color of his skin. Abraham Lincoln and MLKJr. would be so proud.

    Ah pues.

  3. I can’t help but think of Abe lincoln,MLK, Kennedy…..The magic of the sixties.There is something in the air.Something feels good. I always hoped the day would come that I could vote for a women, or someone of another ethnic background from mine…The time has come, and go figure it would happen all at once.I had to choose between 2 people I feel can offer the change we are looking for. The glory in it,,,to read comments from other points of views and countries maybe different from mine. And to be reminded we live in a country that we can do that freely.

  4. Thanks for those thoughts sister. A bit of a ramble follows.

    I have been reflecting on those same emotions. You realize I
    am the first to jump on the nostalgia wagon. Working for Eugene
    McCarthy back in the primaries in 1968. The hopefulness of the
    time, that we were making a difference in bringing the war to
    an end. Bobby Kennedy joined the race and change felt inevitable. Then in quick sucession, Martin Luther King Jr
    was killed in April and Bobby Kennedy killed the night of his triumph in the California primary in June. What followed were the riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention and the election of Richard Nixon.

    During that same year John McCain was in his first year of 5 1/2 years of capitivity as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

    While the Sixties does remind me of the Magic I felt then, I also now realize it was not magic for all.

    Not sure where this is going.

    Other new choices for others: Mormon, Evangelical, Prisoner of War.

    Play nice. Promote. No need to trash.

    Our system unfortunately dictates that candidates must generate a personna. Issues do not get discussed as much as Hope, Change, Experience, More Conservative, More Religious. We end up voting for the man or woman we feel comfortable with (or least uncomfortable with).

    I would hope that Obama might rekindle that hope and magic I felt in early 1968 especially amongst our young people. They deserve a politician to believe in once in their lifetime. Naive. Sure. But I can always hope.

    So Pam – the big question is – how did you vote on the No Crow issue (limiting the number of Roosters in the household). Hee Hee.


  5. mike-i really love what you wrote-especially promote. no need to trash. that is exactly how i feel as well. of course not everyone will agree with who i want as president, or who you want. its just opinions, not fact and i wish people would remember that.

    promote who YOU feel strongly about-there is no need to tear other people down at the same time.

    thanks for sharing your views-you need to come down soon.

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