happy belly

i was so excited in february to get contacted by two pregnant women. the first was a mom that learned of me through my friend sheridan. sheridan is a doula here in orange county, and she also teaches hyno-babies classes.. Hypnobabies is the training of the inner mind so that contractions in labor are felt only as pressure and tightening sensations. There is no pain. (i have watched sheridan give birth without any medication. it was amazing.)

erin decided to hire me for a maternity and newborn session. cant wait to go back for little sam, who was born just a day after these pictures were taken.

she had a glorious bathroom-so we started in there.


then we got dressed and headed out and about in san clemente.


i couldnt take a bad photo of this sweet girl.






i kept thinking throughout our session how her little bellybutton looked like a nose…


so when we got back to her place, we whipped out the eye and lip pencils.
and that is why this post is titled: happy belly!

rss feed

ive been told that my photos arent turning up on my feed. i made some changes, but am unsure why that is happening. i know it often takes some time for the actual feed to update after changes have been made. but i didnt do anything that should get rid of the photos…bare with me.

(i can see them when i click the RSS button in my address)

when life gives you gorgeous skies, 50 degree temps, and lots of wind – you cancel the photo shoot you were going to do in the field of yellow flowers and go kite flying instead.








this one is blurry because we were all laughing so hard. but i dont remember why.


we took lots of mckenna-she was being so cute.

jeff took these:

(im gonna getcha)


seriously dont bug me, im holding onto a kite for dear life


LOVE THIS! makes me get shivers i love him so. he always makes me laugh like this.

we had plans on saturday to take the kids to this amazing hill i found. right now, everything is super green because we have had so much rain, and these yellow weeds are blooming all over the place. (HORRIBLE FOR MY ALLERGIES, glorious for my eyes to see) i drink the beauty of our hills in daily-can hardly keep my eyes off them they are so pretty. this wont last long. soon they will be dead and brown again. i am DETERMINED this year to take advantage of them. ive been looking all over for a hill/field that is not fenced and is easy to get to for kenna.

but our plans changed when we realized the wind had kicked up, it was pretty cold (for us), and the kids would have been miserable posing for me on a hill.

im glad.
(good idea, babe.)