on ivy coming to stay for five sleeps

“mom, can we please please please just play for a (pinching fingers together and squinching up her face) little bit at midnight? please?”it is a sentence i have heard many times before, the whole pleading begging thing, and i was kind of zoning out on it, until she surprised me with the midnight thing. that kind of threw me off.Img_4148Img_4265we have had five days of little girlie love prancing about our house. little vignettes of pretend-ness in every corner, under every table, and all over the backyard.my fifth child will be going home late tonight, with her mumma, dad, and my sixth child. and we will all miss her. they have been very, very good, and havent played at midnight even once.

motley crew

took these classic photos last week outside of ocean burrito in oceanside. i stop here almost every time i finish up a session and grub on my burrito on the drive home.this time the visit was just about the grub and the friends.and these shots are just about these incredible kids.Img_3929Img_3933Img_3940Img_3968Img_3969when i downloaded the card and saw all of these pop up, i couldnt delete any of them. in each shot, at least one of the kids was doing something so classic them, and i was literally laughing to myself as i looked at them over and over. i had to call lisa and tell her to get thee to the computer so she could see for herself. we sat talking and laughing at these pics for about fifteen minutes.

how you know you are living with someone who has OCD

“do you know what olivia did today that made me so happy?””what?””she turned my lamp the other direction.””so?””so now it lines up perfectly with the corner of my night-stand. AND… now i have like three more inches of space on top.” with a wave of his hand.and if his expression wasn’t so boyish and earnest, i would have teased him endlessly. instead, i decided to just blog it.