motley crew

took these classic photos last week outside of ocean burrito in oceanside. i stop here almost every time i finish up a session and grub on my burrito on the drive home.this time the visit was just about the grub and the friends.and these shots are just about these incredible kids.Img_3929Img_3933Img_3940Img_3968Img_3969when i downloaded the card and saw all of these pop up, i couldnt delete any of them. in each shot, at least one of the kids was doing something so classic them, and i was literally laughing to myself as i looked at them over and over. i had to call lisa and tell her to get thee to the computer so she could see for herself. we sat talking and laughing at these pics for about fifteen minutes.

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  1. You are right — just classic and priceless kids doing what they do best.

    Two questions: (1) Are they really standing in front of the trash dumpster area?? (love it) and (2) what is in the box??? (Such a classic boy thing. “Yep, I need to bring my top secret reinforced steel box to the beach.”)

  2. Oh my goodness! These are darling Belle. I was totally thinking the same thing about these. Something different in all of them. Love Anna’s suit and cute hair! You can tell they are having a great time together.

  3. OMG Tara! I just tried taking some pictures of my “motley Crew” at Easter and I was getting upset because nobody was cooperating with me and then I thought “you know what, these are my kids at their best and this is how I want to remember them, not posed.” I had one making a face, one crossing his eyes, one crying, and one giving her brother the “stink eye”. They ended up being one of my favorite family pictures! Love love love your work, you are such an inspiration to me, and not just your photography either, but the way you mother your kids. Just had to tell you that. :)

  4. What fun photos. I wish we could be going to the beach. As it is, it’s just getting warm enough here in Ohio to be outside enjoying nature, which is what we plan on doing with my Sis and fam in a couple hours. Of course, I will be taking the camera.

    What did the sign say?

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