love in a ’46 ford woody

img_2516.jpgimg_2521.jpgimg_2530.jpgimg_2533.jpgimg_2528-copy.jpga couple of weeks ago i had a session in huntington beach, and it just so happened that my parents were there with their old classic woody on the pier for a car show. my clients lucked out, because they got some photos in the woody (to come soon) and i lucked out because i have wanted to do this with them for years and years. tony started building this car when i was in jr. high. he bought it when it was just a shell of an automobile-a pile of junk metal. over the next ten plus years you would normally find him tinkering in the garage during his free time. my mom called herself a woody widow. once he got it fixed up he started going to car shows all over so-cal, and has won quite a few prizes. it is a beautiful car, really a legacy in our family. i love it. and i love them.