i have a new iChat buddy

she doesnt really have a good grasp on the english language or chatting etiquette, often muting herself on accident and persistently taking over when i am talking to someone else. and she also has no idea whatsoever that there is a camera involved at all, so i usually only see a tiny blurred portion of her cheek.

a typical chat goes something like this:

me: yindi, say TARRRRA (teaching her to say it like her mum: TAR-UH) when in all other realities i am tare-uh

yindi: (pushing buttons) KSFLKHFLKDH()Y*#$()&#

me: yindi! say TAAAAAAARA

yindi: dadadadada (while trying to eat me off her mummas computer screen)

me: where did tara go? (hiding off camera)

yindi: NAAAAAAAAA naaaaaaaaaaaaa (how she says my name! (like naw naw) )

me: here i am!

yindi: smiles and giggles


attack of killer cuteness



i absolutely love my computer screen completely filled with her round little moonpie face.

these kids gave me a hug the second i stepped out of my car

and i was so shocked and surprised! they even gave me cheek kisses! normally i get that at the end of a session, not the very beginning. so my heart was melted from the moment we met. amyotte-copy.jpg

we started out on the beach on a cloudy quiet morning.


i LOVED their colorful outfits. that green is my favorite color ever. i cant remember what we were laughing about here, but i also love their natural expressions.

after we dragged them from the beach we walked around, hitting up the donut shop for a snack, the fish market, my favorite alley, and ending with a short walk along the beachfront.


they were a lot of fun and kept up their happy sweet family dynamic the whole time we were together. thanks for the nice morning guys. :)

so today i am fighting a sinus infection and trying to deal with the heat that is taking over my life. its far too hot and i am far too whiney about it. so ill just stop right now before you get sick of me. but, its freaking HOT here and i hate it.

berry delicious


bonnie berry, a photographer in austin, tx hired me to photograph herself with her two striking boys while in california visiting family and friends.

bonnie and i hit it off really well. i was so impressed with how she took her “photographer’s hat” off with grace and trust and allowed me to lead the way. i loved every minute. we strapped the boys carseats into my car and drove off to find some spots to use in my old stomping ground, downtown riverside. battling direct sun and a sticky heat at 11am in the morning. but we made it work! (a quick chocolate shake treat helped perk us all up sometime in the middle!)
