• oh yea. we’ve still got it baby. •

with him heading up something like 100 upgrades for all of the CSU campuses starting this month and lasting the next six and me working 20-30 hours a week plus our mom and dad duties, we havent had a moment for each other, let alone a night out, in MONTHS.

this summer grabbed us, shoved us around a little, maybe punched us once or twice, then threw us up in the air and stepped back to see how and where we would land.

i am 31, and i have spent almost 16 years with this man. 16 years is as long as i lived before him. we are getting to the point where we can say we have been together longer than we were apart. and i am happy to say that this summer couldn’t beat us. we landed right where we always do-back into the circle of our life, our love, our family.

last week we stole off for a few hours to grab some grub and margaritas at our favorite cantina in san clemene: el mariachi, and then took a blanket to state beach where we cuddled, talked, and dozed with our full bellies.

its precious to me that we can be at each others throats and all we need is a short amount of time, sometimes mere minutes, to find our way back to the place we meet.

the place we fit.

“mom? do i look like someone who likes to rock out?”

she came bounding downstairs yelling mom? mom? MOM! until i answered and that is what she asked. using two of my necklaces she created this rockin’ headdress. note the lipgloss sticking out of both pockets, and the scissors for what, cutting her tshirt into a halter top?

the pout in the first photo is evidence of her resolve to be too cool for me, wanting a photo. these rock stars are getting more and more full of themselves everyday. the little smile in the next one is evidence of that resolve breaking down, and before i could shoot another frame, she jumped onto my legs and started giggling.

i love being her mom.

added: more evidence of her rocking-ness….