“mom? do i look like someone who likes to rock out?”

she came bounding downstairs yelling mom? mom? MOM! until i answered and that is what she asked. using two of my necklaces she created this rockin’ headdress. note the lipgloss sticking out of both pockets, and the scissors for what, cutting her tshirt into a halter top?

the pout in the first photo is evidence of her resolve to be too cool for me, wanting a photo. these rock stars are getting more and more full of themselves everyday. the little smile in the next one is evidence of that resolve breaking down, and before i could shoot another frame, she jumped onto my legs and started giggling.

i love being her mom.

added: more evidence of her rocking-ness….

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  1. I just can’t believe how much she looks like you. That’s how you stand!

    What’s in those white plastic bags? You purging? And what are you going to put in the frame with 3 square openings..huh? Huh?

    Love, your friend margie in MN who has too much time on her hands today.

  2. Easy to see why you love being her mom! What a character, and a cutie. There is a quality to her that reminds me of my Ava (who is often nicknamed around here our ‘beautiful mess’). Little girls are such fun!

  3. I am mother to Mick Jagger. I have taken to call him Jagger because he THINKS he rocks despite his age, he dances rather oddly and almost like he is convulsing.. he is convinced everyone thinks he is a rock star.. and.. he is a MASSIVE hit with the grandmas.. ;)

    Rock on Anna.. rock on!!!

  4. OMG…I love her! She reminds me of my 5 year old…they would get along great. My daughter is really into air guitar right now. I just love your family updates, you have an amazing family!! Also, I told my husband that we are starting a saving account so that we can all fly to CA…after seeing the pictures from your previous post I just want pictures like that of our family! Take Care!!

  5. can i just say that I love the fact you have a frame on the wall with no pics! I am so there….I can never decide which to frame, so my house is full of photoless frames….at least they are on the wall….for years I just leaned them against the walls…making progress, I guess. Thanks for making me not feel like I was the only one in the universe to do such a thing.

  6. courtney, i found it at big lots ages ago…its actually 3 8×10 openings. and yes, benga, its been hanging empty for about six months. not sure what im putting in there just yet!

  7. awww anna is so CUTE!
    i would love to see photos of this area of your house a little more!
    is that a magnetic strip for art stuff?
    i LOVE your house~!
    want to come decorate mine?!
    it’s about 2800 sq. feet of blank white canvas!
    i have done NOTHING to it! one cause of money and two cause i have no CLUE what to do!!!!!!

  8. Hey Tara ! I love your blog and all the photos you take are amazing ! Your little daughter is so cute !!! She sure has a great personality !!! I’m not sure you’re into the blog awards thing (don’t worry if you don’t want to answer this, i understand) but i really love your blog so i had to nominate you for the ‘i love your blog’ award !!! Take care.

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