• love is the answer, at least, to most of the questions in my heart, like why are we here and where do we go and how come it’s so hard •

The Whitney Clan from Michel Sandy on Vimeo.

no words. i have been given the most amazing gift. i don’t know how i got to be so lucky. thank you, mike and jay. thank you.

and if you want to see it in HD, go here. and you want to see it in HD.

• one momma and her four boys | family photo session in san clemente, ca •

this momma just happens to be patti schmidt, photographer from new jersey. and these four (well three minus husband) boys just happen to be the most adorable and sweet things for their ages that i have ever ever met. they had none of the typical “airs” that teenage boys normally have. they were completely happy to play and love their family for the afternoon.

and i was completely happy to watch them do it.

we had a ton of fun walking around san clemente. total stomping ground for me, fun to take them there. they are a bigtime surf/skate family so i thought the vibe in this chiller beach town would fit them well. and i loved their casual clothes, totally them, not trying too hard. love love love that.

these next two are so classic. after i shot them on the lifeguard tower, i had them get down and i climbed up. i asked them to lie down in the sand. i asked mom and dad to smoocheroo, and look at little man-and look where he ended up after the first kiss!

he’s all, um excuse me-i want to get in on that action!

so fun. i left feeling so good about having boys of my own.

• through someone else’s viewfinder •

i have something to blog about!

our family photos were just posted over here on mycameraisbiggerthanyours.com

jay reilly has totally made my day, my week, my month. (LOVE the name of your blog btw jay!)
i have been dying to have our family photographed and we finally did it. i have been in love with his work for over a year, if you havent heard of jay before be ready to be seriously, seriously inspired! he is all about the beachy surfer vibe and i LOVE IT.

his friend michel sandy was hanging out with us (his pool), he is a fantastic video shooter, cant wait to see what he comes up with! you can see some of his other work on his website.

jay is also on the into the darkroom team, and currently holding a summer photo contest on his blog. winner gets a custom ITDR blog! check it out!