fun girls and fun iPhone pics

this weekend was an impromptu reunion of sorts with some of our thailand girls. we were only missing four (three who reside across the pond, and one who was on a work trip), and we gained one.

kimberly came out for the weekend with her boys. it was so amazing to finally be able to meet her and spend time with her and introduce her to many of the women she would have met had she been able to come with us. some of you may remember, her husband passed away shockingly just two weeks before we were meant to leave for thailand.

her boys stayed home with my crew and jeff, who won dad of the year by taking all six kids to the movies AND chuck e cheese AND PUTTING THEM TO BED before we got back.

and we went out and did girlie things. pedicures, lunch, shopping, beach, thai for dinner (of course!)

kimberly, doña, kari, me, michelle, maren, april, em, tami

i know this has been done a thousand times, but it doesnt make it any less fun when you do it for the first time while waiting for shopping to wrap up…

weekend wrapped with a girl power shoot at a trailer park, amongst a few other locales. and the beginning of a bad cold that im still working on ignoring.

NEWS: now, a word from our sponsors…

with the upgrade of my blog also comes the ability to offer advertising/sponsorship.

i have space for ad banners at the bottom of the blog, above the footer. i have had some requests via email, so in case anyone else is interested just shoot me an email ( and i will get you the information.

i also want to offer a give-away of one free month to two people. post a comment with a link to your service/shop/website and i will pull names tonight @ 7pm PST!

Winners are Sarah Lamont and Dana from Old Red Barn Co.! Email me girls, and I will set you up!



photos from a shoot last weekend…..just a little sneaky peeky for momma. :)