michelle, rosie, & amy • flower fields, trailer park, newport beach • orange county photography

Michelle is my buddy.

She says that she is the Canadian Tara. And that I am the American Michelle. Now, I am not TOTALLY convinced because of her love for Third Eye Blind and hockey, but the coca cola IV and cute clothes she requires are certainly making me okay with the comparison. Also her incredibly sexy flaming hot red hair.

I met Michelle a little over a year ago, when she was pregnant for the first time with her son Rowan. She flew down here for a photo shoot. And lied to her husband that the doctor said it was okay and that she had gotten insurance! Naughty Michelle. Thankfully everything was fine and she didn’t go into labor. I had such a great time with them, we hit it off immensely and went out for dinner together after. That is when I basically fell in love with Michelle!

Our relationship was able to go to another level when she came along on the “find yourself” retreat. We spent lots of time every day together, and it was great to be able to really get to know her. She is spunky, funny, and has such a dear dear heart. I love that she dishes it back to me just as fast as I give it to her. She is also just fabulous for my self worth. Hiring me three times in the span of one year!

This time the shoot was about her. About her friends. About feeling good about yourself after having a baby. About celebrating being a girl! The three friends met in Chicago once upon a time and now live in three separate places. Rosie still lives in Chicago and owns and operates an AMAZING boutique, Roslyn. In fact, most of the clothing from the session is from her store. Amy now lives here in southern CA, and works as a psychologist at a men’s maximum security prison. (Clarice Starling!) And Michelle, well, she is a mother, wife, and IT geek working for IBM who lives in Toronto.

When making plans she asked me if there was anywhere I had always wanted to shoot but hadn’t had a client interested. I said without having to think, “A trailer park.” I have driven by this place so many times on my way to a beach session, and have imagined the possibilities. I was glad to have three willing participants. We spent a lot of time together, so this was just one of our stops.

Just so you know who you are looking at (from left to right: Amy, Michelle, Rosie)


Amy is from Kansas-or Kentucky. One of the K states. Showing her roots.



We also made a quick stop to a field of flowers. (All of my amazing yellow flowers are dried up now!) (SOB) The girls were so serene, sexy, and confident. PERFECT mood to go with the location.


We also stopped a few times on our way to the beach.


Letters from my favorite antique store Timeless Treasures in San Francisco. (Thanks Joan! You are amazing!)

And then we wrapped at the beach, because the Chicago girl badly wanted some California sunshine to take home with her.


michelle wrote about our session here and here.

she also shared how she became friends with rosie, and shows images from her amazing boutique in chicago here.

