the reason that I have taylor swift on my ipod

Anna sings 1 from tara Whitney on Vimeo.

Just in case anyone should give me a hard time about it. (AHEM RACHEL) (And not to make her fans feel bad, I am so not a snobby music person, but its just that Country Pop is not my favorite musical genre.) Miss Swift is on my ipod simply because of how her (pointing up to Anna) little voice turns up in the high parts. When she comes on in the car and I hear Anna’s voice pick up in the backseat, I slowly turn down the radio just so I can hear her better.

The other night we bribed her into doing this.

Gives me butterflies every time.

(It’s the plaintive “small town!” that does me in every time!)

Anna sings 2 from tara Whitney on Vimeo.

the dalebouts • home movies that rock! with tara and michel sandy • mission beach, ca

I woke up this morning to an email from Michel that our latest home movie was up. I ran over to the computer to watch, and as the opening notes started playing, my hand went up to my mouth as my jaw dropped and tears sprang out of the corners of my eyes. I have zero doubt that this family will do the same to you too.

During our session the same thing happened to me over and over. And over. I would be shooting and tears would spring to my eyes or I would get a lump in my throat as I watched how they connected and loved and played together. Their connection is INCREDIBLE.

Take a look for yourself.

Dalebout Family Film from Michel Sandy on Vimeo.

(by the way, you can watch it here, or you can click the vimeo link and see it in amazing HD)

Film: Michel Sandy
Images: Tara Whitney
Music: Everything by Micheal Buble
Gorgeous love: The Dalebouts

Scott and Shelley, THANK YOU SO MUCH!




Late Monday night I said goodbye to Emily. She was sitting on an airplane, about to head home to Western AUS. I was sitting in my bed. We were both holding back tears, trying to be strong, using the last minutes we had on the same continent to assure the other of how fast the time will go. She will only be gone for six months…and I know it is going to go fast. Summer, school, work, holidays…they will all be back before we know it.

It was still hard to say goodbye.

The hardest part is knowing I won’t be there for the birth of her son. I won’t get to meet him right away. I won’t get to photograph his perfect newness. I won’t be heading south on the freeway every other day afterwards to help her adjust to being a mother of three.

The good part is knowing how much she needs to be home right now. I am so happy for her to get a dose of Australia. And I can’t wait to hear little Yindi’s accent when they return.

Saturday, two days before her departure, I organized a blessingway/goodbye gathering for her and the little ‘beansprout’, and invited the women she has become closest to since moving to the states. There were many who couldn’t be with us, but were there in spirit.


me, morgan, maren, em, denise, amy, lisa


We found the perfect spot on the beach to lay down beautiful linens for sitting, which I surrounded with spaghetti jars and blinking candles. The setting was magical.


As we enjoyed the setting sun, we snacked and talked. I took a few photos of the blooming belly.


Then, by the light of the candles, we each produced a bead to place in Emily’s dreadlocks as a way of keeping her friends with her during her travels. Each of us took a turn choosing the perfect dread for our beads, and telling Em what we love most about her. It was incredibly moving, romantic, connecting, feminine, beautiful. When it came to my turn, I completely lost it. I sobbed into her back as I tried to explain how it felt to know her.


That night, she spent the night at my house so that Anna and Ivy could have one more sleepover. We woke up early the next day and ventured into the fields near my house for some earth mumma maternity photos. Our favorite photo is of her reclining against a low tree branch. (I must get permission from her before I post it. It is STUNNING.) I also captured the two little girls once more. (that is glitter in anna’s hair.)


We said “see ya laters” instead of “goodbyes” that morning. But Anna and I both cried hot tears as they drove away from our house and headed back to San Diego. Even though we can’t see each other as often as we like, just knowing there are only 40 minutes between us is a comfort. That morning as they drove away I felt very, very far away from her.

Denise wrote the most amazing blog entry about the evening, you should definitely check it out. She wrote about it better than I ever could. Before you go, look how great Em’s dreads looked the next morning, with all of us attached.


