the meekers • home movie • carlsbad, ca

I have been waiting to share this movie and I am so glad that I finally can. Momma used the movie as a baby announcement, so it was to be kept under wraps until after its release.

I met April on the Find Yourself, Thailand trip. The first time I saw her I was struck by how calm, cool, and collected she was. In Bangkok. No one is calm, cool, or collected in Bangkok. The sweat glands on my upper lip can prove it to you. They remember. And yet there she was, in a crisp white shirt and perfect jewelry. (Her own designs, might I add?) A smile on her face. Telling us about how she had left her wallet in a taxi, something that would have made me curl up into a ball and beg for mercy, but that had her shrugging her shoulders. I could take lessons from this woman, is what I thought. Lessons on how to stay cool under pressure. As I got to know her, I listened first hand as she spoke about their desire to adopt a child. And then, a miracle happened and people came together, and just a few months ago their dream came to life in the form of Miss Amelie.

Film: Michel Sandy
Images: Tara Whitney
Music: The Littlest Birds by The Be Good Tanya’s



I had just driven away from the session when my phone rang.

And it was Fabi asking if I had left yet.

I had, I was already a few blocks away. Why, I asked, was everything okay?

Oh, yes, she said….she had just forgotten to take a photo with me before I said goodbye.

Next time, we said! And giggled.

And then happily, a few days later I emailed her and told her she might have forgotten, but I hadn’t.


More from this beautiful Brazilian family soon.

I have been under the weather since Thursday with strep, and boy was it a doozy. I am grateful for pain medication and antibiotics today.