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  1. such cute pics T. they capture the essence of what it is to be a kid at the beach. don’t fret the small stuff with the exposure, my goodness, we do have to balance the importance of taking the picture and capturing the emotion of the moment, with all of the other technical mumbo jumbo. These capture the moments splendidly. I love what you did with the processing on the last 2 of the girls.

  2. Gosh. You’re so good that even when you supposedly blow your exposures everything still looks great. I think it boils down to the fact that your images are about beautifully composed feelings and emotions and moments more than they are about any pre-determined ideal of technical perfection. (Although you could probably take an over-exposed, funky shot of the phone book and I’d still love it!!) Thanks for sharing your light with us.

  3. Well, technically they may be exposed incorrectly, but I love the effect–vintage, funky, fun. I’m thinking this shooting-with-your-sunglasses-on could be just another of tool for you in your overflowing bag of amazing tricks!

  4. Tara, these shots are so beautiful, just like all your work! I tend to overexpose my shots a little on purpose – I’m sure it’s a big technical no-no but hey, I just like ’em that way :) As someone just starting to fall in love with photography, you are a huge inspiration to me – thanks so much for sharing your work!

  5. Hi, Tara:

    I love the way you “capture” everything. Whether it’s a famiy dynamic or a beach bag filled with everything you need for a day at the beach. I was thinking years from now, your mind will be flooded with memories just from looking at that beach bag picture… much less the pictures of the kids and the way you spent your summer days with them. You “see” things in a very special way, and I love your pictures.

  6. just found your website from the other side of the world and am so glad…love your photographs and love your take on life. You give lots of inspiration and give out lots of good. thanks

  7. LOVE that the asthma inhaler is in the bag — I take mine everywhere I go even though I rarely need it. The one time I forgot it was when I took a tiny purse to Mass on Christmas and totally forgot about the INCENSE. Bad move.

    It’s important to always have it with you — and sunscreen is important too! Look at your smartly packed beach bag!

    You’re so smart, Tara! Love your site.

  8. always perfect even in your imperfect modes…these images evoked such a sense of nostalgia, reminding me of a thousand over-exposed photos from a cheap kodak my aunt used to lug around in the 70s. [not that your images look like cheap kodak shots from an amateur…] my twisted compliment lies in the fact that even imperfectly you capture emotion and spill it all over the world with your photo/art.
    thank you for sharing your view of the world.

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